My perfect bulk cycle...critiques?
This is what I have planned for this winter, I'd like to hear some opinions. I know its a pretty standard cycle, just wanna make sure Ive got everything right.
Weeks 1-11 : ICN Test Enanthate @ 500mg/wk
Weeks 1-10: QV EQ @ 400mg/wk
Weeks 1-4: Thai Dbol @ 35mg/ed
Weeks 9-13: ** Winny @ 50mg/ed
Weeks 1-13: Arimidex @ .5mg/ed
Weeks 13-16: Clomid Therapy @300mg day 1, 100 for 10,50/10
Nolva on hand and ALA throughout.
My stats: 5'11", 194 @ 10%bf. 20 years old. One cycle under belt:fina/winny cutting cycle. Bench:315, Squat:405,DL:445
Goal for cycle: 20lbs of pure LBM staying at under 14%bf
I would like some input on my cycle, any obvious flaws or suggestions. Thanks
Btw I edited the weeks above reflecting the posts u guys made...thanx for the input