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  1. #1
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    New Cycle Idea for the summer

    I've been thinking about my upcoming cycle plans, and I wanted to change it around.

    I'm 26yo, 5'10" 225lbs. cycled many times in the past. Its been a while since my last one, so I am hoping my receptors have freshened up..

    Anyways, my original idea was

    wks 1-8 Test Prop 50mg/d
    wks 1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/d

    then PCT and an 8 week break, followed by

    wks 1-12 Test Enan 500mg/w
    wks 1-12 Deca 500mg/w
    wks 1-6 Adrol 100mg/d

    PCT starting wk 16

    But, I've been looking at what I can get, and what I really want, and I decided to do 1 longer cycle instead of two seperate ones.

    So, my new idea is this:

    wks 1-20 HGH 2iu /d
    wks 1-16 Test E 500mg/w
    wks 1-16 Deca 500mg/w
    wks 1-6 Tren Ace 75md/d
    wks 1-6 Dbol 50mg/d
    wks 14-20 Tren Ace 75mg/d

    followed by Anthony's PCT routine

    Please help me get this tightened up.. I want to start in May.


  2. #2
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Forgot to mention I will be running T3 at 50mcg/d along with the HGH

  3. #3
    Rye_guy's Avatar
    Rye_guy is offline Member
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    sounds like similar stats to myself. same age and weight, whats your BF%? Im not really sure if running two cycles like that back to back with only 8 weeks off. the rule of thumb being time on + PCT = time off is one thing, but deffinatley try to get your blood work in.

  4. #4
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    I will be getting my blood work done the first week of May, already have an appointment.

    My bf is between 15-20 right now, but I am still cutting, hopefully I should be down around 215 or so when I start.

    I am actually rethinking my approach to this cycle. I definitely want a low dose of growth, definitely want the test since I respond the best to test. I have 30-40ml of Tren A lying around that I want to utilize. Also, I respond fairly well to dbol , but want to try tbol since I hear its all the rage these days. Also never tried any *good* drol, the last stuff I had was garbage. So that is why I have the possibility of the three written below, any experiences on these would be great. If you have a strong opinion of one over the others, please let me know as I am still trying to make up my mind.

    So, here is the part I am pretty sure about:

    wks 1-20 HGH 2-3iu /d (5 days on, 2 off)
    wks 1-20 T3 50mcg/d (or T4)
    wks 1-16 Test E 500-750mg/w
    wks 1-6 Dbol 50mg/d (or Tbol 60mg/d or Drol 50-100mg/d)
    wks 14-18 Tren A 75mg/d (just to finish off what I have)
    wks 1-20 Aromasin 10mg EOD

    Start PCT on week 21.

    I am also thinking of Deca or Tren E throughout with the Test E, but I may leave it out for this one.... I think it looks pretty solid without anything else.

    Also, back when I did my last cycle, popular ideas for PCT were high doses of Clomid..... so needless to say, I am still playing catch up on learning the new regiments. I read the sticky on Anthony's PCT and it looked good. My question is, do I need to do anything extra for the cycle here?


  5. #5
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    I would really like to hear opinions of dbol versus tbol versus adrol. What doses did people run, what kind of results, side effects?

    Which do you like better and why?

  6. #6
    Manpretty's Avatar
    Manpretty is offline Member
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    IMO tbol is crap
    dbol ok
    drol never ran it

    ever think about prop kick start?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    I would really like to hear opinions of dbol versus tbol versus adrol. What doses did people run, what kind of results, side effects?

    Which do you like better and why?

    Tbol is a mild steroid . Mild strength & size gains compared to dbol & Drol.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    IMO tbol is crap
    dbol ok
    drol never ran it

    ever think about prop kick start?

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    HGH would be best to run 2-3 months prior to the start of the cycle and throughout the cycle.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    I will be getting my blood work done the first week of May, already have an appointment.

    My bf is between 15-20 right now, but I am still cutting, hopefully I should be down around 215 or so when I start.

    I am actually rethinking my approach to this cycle. I definitely want a low dose of growth, definitely want the test since I respond the best to test. I have 30-40ml of Tren A lying around that I want to utilize. Also, I respond fairly well to dbol , but want to try tbol since I hear its all the rage these days. Also never tried any *good* drol, the last stuff I had was garbage. So that is why I have the possibility of the three written below, any experiences on these would be great. If you have a strong opinion of one over the others, please let me know as I am still trying to make up my mind.

    So, here is the part I am pretty sure about:

    wks 1-20 HGH 2-3iu /d (5 days on, 2 off) *Just Minimum Fatloss with that dose*
    wks 1-20 T3 50mcg/d (or T4)
    wks 1-16 Test E 500-750mg/w
    wks 1-6 Dbol 50mg/d (or Tbol 60mg/d or Drol 50-100mg/d)
    wks 14-18 Tren A 75mg/d (just to finish off what I have)
    wks 1-20 Aromasin 10mg EOD *Due to it's halflife ED is best...+ I'd do atleast 15mgs*
    Start PCT on week 21.

    I am also thinking of Deca or Tren E throughout with the Test E, but I may leave it out for this one.... I think it looks pretty solid without anything else.

    Also, back when I did my last cycle, popular ideas for PCT were high doses of Clomid..... so needless to say, I am still playing catch up on learning the new regiments. I read the sticky on Anthony's PCT and it looked good. My question is, do I need to do anything extra for the cycle here?



    Also Why are you stopping test at week 16 and doing PCT at week 21?
    Why not fix it so you start PCT when the test is out of your system?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    HGH would be best to run 2-3 months prior to the start of the cycle and throughout the cycle.

    Correct, For better cell maturity.

  12. #12
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    The reason for PCT after week 21 was because of HGH. But if I can start it sooner, then I will. Is it okay to still be running HGH while on PCT?

    I may be able to get 1 month of growth in before the cycle, is that enough? Also, I was only hoping to run a fat loss dose of GH since I don't know if I can afford more than that. Although I'm getting married in 2 weeks, so I may have wedding gift money to spend.. lol maybe 4-6ius .... we'll see.

    looks like tbol is out. What about dbol versus drol? I've used dbol before with good results, but I want to try drol too, if people thinks its worth it....

    Thanks again,

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    The reason for PCT after week 21 was because of HGH. But if I can start it sooner, then I will. Is it okay to still be running HGH while on PCT?

    I may be able to get 1 month of growth in before the cycle, is that enough? Also, I was only hoping to run a fat loss dose of GH since I don't know if I can afford more than that. Although I'm getting married in 2 weeks, so I may have wedding gift money to spend.. lol maybe 4-6ius .... we'll see.

    looks like tbol is out. What about dbol versus drol? I've used dbol before with good results, but I want to try drol too, if people thinks its worth it....

    Thanks again,

    You can run PCT during HGH....This is better to hold onto your new aquired gains anyways.

    I've never used Drol, but many like dbol or drol...personal preference really.

    2 IU's of growth will barely do anything even for fatloss.

    I wouldnt do less than 4IU's personally.

  14. #14
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Looks like 4ius it is then. What kind of difference would I see between 4 and 6? If its really worth the extra growth, I can save up some more money for it. Its not really that big of a deal, especially if I cut the Deca from the cycle...

    I think I will probably try the drol, just so I have tried it and can go off personal experience in the future.

    If HGH helps with the PCT, would it be a good idea to run the HGH all the way through and possibly beyond the PCT? Say I do something like this:

    wks 1-30 HGH 4ius /d
    wks 1-30 T3 50mcg/d
    wks 5-21 Test E 750mg/w
    wks 5-11 Drol 75-100mg/d
    wks 19-23 Tren A 75mg/d
    wks 5-23 Aromasin 15mg/d
    wks 24-30 PCT consisting of Nolv/Aromasin/HCG

    That look a little better? 4 weeks of growth before the cycle starts, and run it all the way through PCT as well.

    I have run insulin with growth in the past, but I put on a lot of fat with the muscle (I am really sensitive to carbs). My diet is much better this time around, and I may give slin another try towards the end of the cycle, we'll see.

    Thanks for all the input guys!
    Last edited by GonnaBeHuge; 04-09-2007 at 12:13 AM.

  15. #15
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    what about the T3? Should I run that through PCT or stop that when I stop the Tren in week 23?

  16. #16
    GonnaBeHuge is offline Junior Member
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    Actually, after reading some more, sounds like T4 is better while on growth than T3, is this true? I think I had this discussion with Tai... also, if I were to use T4, what dose, 100mcg?


  17. #17
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by GonnaBeHuge2
    what about the T3? Should I run that through PCT or stop that when I stop the Tren in week 23?
    Don't run neither t3 nore t3 in PCT since its very catabolic

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