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  1. #1
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    been reading up on this stuff but still dont get it...any help???

    so if i wanted to run:

    1-12 weeks of test e 500mg
    and if i wanted to throw in some T3 what would be the dosage and when should i start taking the T3??? i read a few threads on T3 and read the profile on it but still dont quite get it

    also how would i go about a cycle that involving T3, letro, test e???

    im not trying to gain a crap load, just trying some solid dry gains
    Last edited by boDAWG; 04-08-2007 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    so if i wanted to run:

    1-12 weeks of test e 500mg
    nolva PCT
    and if i wanted to throw in some T3 what would be the dosage and when should i start taking the T3??? i read a few threads on T3 and read the profile on it but still dont quite get it

    According to your profile, you are only 19 years old. Just letting you know that most people will tell you not to us AAS until you are least 21 when your body is done developing. At 19, your testosterone and GH levels is still very high and introducing hormones could permanently damage you.

    But, I know you are going to do what you want despite what people say.

    My $.02


  4. #4
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    i went to the doctor and got all these questions out of the way already, but ill be waiting on a cycle for at least another year or so, i was just wantiing to get educted on the stuff a bit more thats all

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    are you set on using T3 or would you consider other weight loss medications?

    If so Clenbuterol , in my opinion, is a much safer medication and easier to get. Works well at boosting your metabolism.


  6. #6
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    so just go with clen ???

    but i read about it and it says that you have to take benadryl while on clen. thats what i dont get benadryl is a alergy medicine right?

    and im just looking into options right now thats all, so im open to anything, trying to design that perfect cycle for when im ready.

    i read a lot on the letro and it seems like a really good thing to use to get rid of excess body water and also block that gyno, but i was confused on what would be better runnin letro during cycle and running it as PCT or running letro during but nolva as PCT.

  7. #7
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    so just go with clen ???

    but i read about it and it says that you have to take benadryl while on clen. thats what i dont get benadryl is a alergy medicine right?

    and im just looking into options right now thats all, so im open to anything, trying to design that perfect cycle for when im ready.

    i read a lot on the letro and it seems like a really good thing to use to get rid of excess body water and also block that gyno, but i was confused on what would be better runnin letro during cycle and running it as PCT or running letro during but nolva as PCT.
    you don't have to take benadryl or ketotefen while on clen but it increases it's effectiveness and the length of time you can take the clen. Usually clen is only effective at increasing your metabolism for about 2 weeks then slowly declines. Benadryl or ketotefen can allow you to use it effectively much longer.

  8. #8
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    oooooh i see, see thats what i didnt get, what should the dosage of clen be then? and the dosage of benadryl???

  9. #9
    installer's Avatar
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    The easiest thing to do is to search Clen Faq in this board and read the whole thread that perfectbeast wrote about Clen... good read.... ive been on clen now for 4 weeks with great results .....

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Read this....pretty helpfull

    Clenbuterol handbook

    Also, explains the benifits of Benadryl or Ketotefen when using Clenbuterol


  11. #11
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    will do thanks for the help boys

  12. #12
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by installer
    The easiest thing to do is to search Clen Faq in this board and read the whole thread that perfectbeast wrote about Clen... good read.... ive been on clen now for 4 weeks with great results .....

    are you stacking it with anything or are you just taking it solo?

  13. #13
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Read this....pretty helpfull

    Clenbuterol handbook

    Also, explains the benifits of Benadryl or Ketotefen when using Clenbuterol

    although that post had good info in it, it is note worthy to say that the clen cycles set up in the post make no sence...... i mean they would have you take ECA stack two days after a clen cycle???
    Stupid IMO they both hit beta receptors and consequenly beta's will have been down graded from the clen.....why would you start hitting them again with ECA before youve recovered...

    also the reason benadrly works is that it upgrades ie reverses the effects of clen on the beta receptors but from what ive read its useless to take at the same would use benadryl to recover faster and thus less time off ECA clen what have you

  14. #14
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manpretty
    although that post had good info in it, it is note worthy to say that the clen cycles set up in the post make no sence...... i mean they would have you take ECA stack two days after a clen cycle???
    Stupid IMO they both hit beta receptors and consequenly beta's will have been down graded from the clen.....why would you start hitting them again with ECA before youve recovered...

    also the reason benadrly works is that it upgrades ie reverses the effects of clen on the beta receptors but from what ive read its useless to take at the same would use benadryl to recover faster and thus less time off ECA clen what have you

    i agree with you i read it like three times because i thought i was stupid and was missing something hahahahahaha

    i think what i am going to do is go on about 6 weeks of clen/T3 stack just dont know the dosage yet and then that along with my diet should make some pretty good changes, but first things first, bulking with diet only and then some test and then the clen/t3 or would you recommend doing a test e. clen/t3 cycle?

  15. #15
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    man i know you are excited about this stuff but you are still young.....

    and honestly i have no problem recomending an ECA stack or clen provided you run them properly but i think you are pushing it with the test and t3 ......

    try the clen be smart about it clean up the diet and let me know how its going in a couple months if you havent put on 10lbs or so ill be VERY surprised.....also for future reference provide stats age cycle history goal in your post for more accurate responces

  16. #16
    Manpretty's Avatar
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    maybe pm perfect beast for advice on the clen

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    are you set on using T3 or would you consider other weight loss medications?

    If so Clenbuterol , in my opinion, is a much safer medication and easier to get. Works well at boosting your metabolism.


    I would rather run high doses of AAS than any clen dose, no matter if I was 18 or 78 IMO.

  18. #18
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I would rather run high doses of AAS than any clen dose, no matter if I was 18 or 78 IMO.

    whys that???

  19. #19
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    whys that???
    yeah what he said...

  20. #20
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I would rather run high doses of AAS than any clen dose, no matter if I was 18 or 78 IMO.

    Probably because you had bad sides, I'm guessin?

    Mine weren't too bad but I didn't go any higher then 75mcg. I got the shakes and felt anxious but it wasn't too bad. I ran it once and won't consider it, T3/T4 and definitely not DNP for weight loss again.

    I would rather stick to modifying my diet and doing more aerobics in the morning to lose body fat. A little slower results but more tolerable.


  21. #21
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    Everyone is a little different Dizz, I hated the sides from clen but thought T3 was great.

  22. #22
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    what should the dosage the be for a clen /t3 stack and how long should i run it for?

  23. #23
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    I can't advise you on the clen . As to the T3, there is controversy as to whether or not it can permanenlty affect your thyroid function (largely dispelled). The old school thought was limit use to 6 weeks. The old school also suggests pyrimding up and tapering down. I think that is the safest way to try T3 for the first time and is still the basic model i use, although I tweek it for me.
    The protocol I first used is something like:
    25,25,25,50,50,50,75,75,75,100,100,100,125,125,125 ,150,150, ...150,125,125,125, 100,100,100,75,75,75,50,50,50,25,25,25,

    Obviously if you don't feel up to it there is no need to go up to 150mcg. nor do you need to ramp up as quickly shown.

  24. #24
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    ok i see, so i will prolly just get on some t3 and see how i react to it since it is my first time, but go for 6 weeks and then take like 4 off??? and i was thinkin once i come off t3 to take benadryl for 2 weeks after it

  25. #25
    jagdpanther's Avatar
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    I thought benadryl was for beta receptors when using clen or albuterol.

  26. #26
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    so there would be like no need for benadryl or anything like that once you get off??? and how long would you have to be off of T3 in order to start it up again?

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