ive recently started back on the steroids after 1 year off.
i used to inject in the ass and ive only ever done two 6 week cycles.
i gained four and a half stone. i am now 17 stone and decided to train again
im using 250mg TESTOSTERON ETHINATE injectables.
i have done three weeks and had one jab each week on a wednesday. i only train on the wednesday and thursday. i had my first jab in the right shoulder then one in the left.
i had my next jab in my right shoulder and by friday i was in pain not just the usual bruse like pain it was a slight swelling off the injection mucsle in the shoulder, the pain has gone now unles i push on the swelling.
when i raise my arms up to shoulder level and tense the muscles the right shoulder injection mucsle is noticable bigger than the left.
also when i stretch my right triceps i have a sharp pulling feeling which is very painfull is this related to the lump?
what is this problem should i be worried and should stop trainning and injecting in my shoulders and go back to injecting in the ass?