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  1. #1
    tommik is offline Associate Member
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    how much gain i can get of...

    ...600mgs deca , 500mgs test e / week through 14 weeks? i know there's loads of factors but i'm only looking for the roughly figures.

    1 cycle, bulking...


  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    How much do you want to gain??

    How much are you willing to eat to gain?

    That is your determining factors

    I could gain an EASY 20-25 lbs off that cycle, but I would eat to gain that much, so its up to you!!!

  3. #3
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    I have some concerns with your doses. Is this your first cycle? What are your stats?

    I would suggest that with proper diet and training you could see a gain of 20-25 pounds by the end of the cycle. Some of that would be water weight and would shed when the cycle ended. Assuming you use a solid PCT would would be able to hold on to most of it. PCT is very important though.

    I mentioned concerns with dosing and asked if this is your first cycle..why?

    1) Typically Test should be run higher that deca in order to prevent shutdown. Deca shuts down your ability to perform as a man, which would suck.

    2) If this is your first cycle I would run test alone at 500mg/wk for 8-12 weeks. This way you can see how your body reacts to the compound and any sides can be combated easily since the cause is known.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Are you running the deca for 14 weeks also , or do you know that you should stop the deca TWO weeks before the test E????

    Whats your PCT layout, as that will be what determines how much you KEEP of whatever you gain along with diet and lifting as well

  5. #5
    tommik is offline Associate Member
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    sorry guys, i didn't specify exactly how and what i'm going to do because i'm still researching... just wanted to find out what can i expect after deca based cycle. 20-25lbs sounds really good but of course i'd like MORE

    yes, i know that i need to run test e 2 weeks longer than deca
    no, i didn't know that i need to run test higher than deca (thanks!)
    ain't got PCT sorted out yet, but for sure i'd like to run letro (.25?) along deca

    eating, hmm... probably it would take me too long to sort my own nutrition plan so that's why i'm going to borrow one from the 'dieting forum'

    stats (just please, dont lynch me):
    dunno my body fat, probably 0%

  6. #6
    Bratty4him is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    sorry guys, i didn't specify exactly how and what i'm going to do because i'm still researching... just wanted to find out what can i expect after deca based cycle. 20-25lbs sounds really good but of course i'd like MORE

    yes, i know that i need to run test e 2 weeks longer than deca
    no, i didn't know that i need to run test higher than deca (thanks!)
    ain't got PCT sorted out yet, but for sure i'd like to run letro (.25?) along deca

    eating, hmm... probably it would take me too long to sort my own nutrition plan so that's why i'm going to borrow one from the 'dieting forum'

    stats (just please, dont lynch me):

    dunno my body fat, probably 0%
    Best thing you can do to gain is EAT!

  7. #7
    danamial's Avatar
    danamial is offline Junior Member
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    how long have you been lifting?

  8. #8
    tommik is offline Associate Member
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    i do EAT! just always need take a shit after a meal! it sorta doesnt work bro

    well, i've been lifting on and off for 3-4 years, gym is a some part of my lifestyle not a lifetime goal if you know what i'm talking about...

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommik
    i do EAT! just always need take a shit after a meal! it sorta doesnt work bro

    well, i've been lifting on and off for 3-4 years, gym is a some part of my lifestyle not a lifetime goal if you know what i'm talking about...

    OK hold on here.

    What exactly are you eating in a day?? lay it out here for us.

    If you can't eat now , what makes you think you are gonna gain ANYTHING from steroids ??? They don't work that way.....They require an even higher calorie in take IF you expect to grow using them

    Forget the 20-25 lbs estimate I gave will be lucky to hold on to 10 lbs of your gains IF THAT after you are done, cause your bodyframe has NOT even reached its natural potential yet......

    It is NOT true that Test has to be HIGHER than Deca , it just has to be enough ABOVE what you would naturally produce.

    Do not even consider taking ANYTHING before you have PCT compounds IN YOUR HANDS !!!!

    I suggest you learn how to EAT before you even consider using steroids in ALL honesty, or you will be wasting your money and stressing your body for nothing

  10. #10
    tommik is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    OK hold on here.

    What exactly are you eating in a day?? lay it out here for us.

    If you can't eat now , what makes you think you are gonna gain ANYTHING from steroids ??? They don't work that way.....They require an even higher calorie in take IF you expect to grow using them

    Forget the 20-25 lbs estimate I gave will be lucky to hold on to 10 lbs of your gains IF THAT after you are done, cause your bodyframe has NOT even reached its natural potential yet......

    It is NOT true that Test has to be HIGHER than Deca , it just has to be enough ABOVE what you would naturally produce.

    Do not even consider taking ANYTHING before you have PCT compounds IN YOUR HANDS !!!!

    I suggest you learn how to EAT before you even consider using steroids in ALL honesty, or you will be wasting your money and stressing your body for nothing
    you got me all wrong bro, i'm not running the cycle yet mainly because ain't got my work out, diet and PCT sorted out! it's the pre-first-cycle time now, that's why i'm asking stupid question and trying to make it all right.

    why did you assume that on the cycle i'm going to eat the same stuff as i'm eating now? WRONG! i do realize how important the diet is! sorting out in progress...

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If its your first cycle you only need to use one compound, test would be best option, if the right base as been built from yrs of training and your diet and training program are in order you will gain very good. food will be your answer to gaining size more you eat more size will be built.

  12. #12
    roidrage625 is offline Junior Member
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    i agree food food and more food to put on weight while on aas. but that on and off in the gym thing prob wont cut it either. a strict workout routine and tons of food are gonna be ur best friend. the aas will give u an edge but hard work pays off. so dont slack in the gym and think the aas will make up for it or you will put on the kind of weight u dont want.

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