Hi there,
I’m 46 years old
5’11” and 212 lbs 28 % B.F.
1.5 years lifting 5 days a week
This is been my first cycle and I didn’t knew there was so much to learn before jumping into this world.
(My plan was to have continious cycles of 4 weeks on with 4 weeks off)
So, I have been in turanabol for 3 weeks this way:
1- Week – 20 mg
2- Week – 40 mg
3 – Week – 40 mg
At the same time I have been using Clenbuterol for cutting purposes since I want to get rid of the belly fat (my main goal) this way:
40,40,40,80,80,80,120,120,120,160,160,160,120, since then Today been my third week on it.
I also started yesterday with 50 mg of Benadryl (and will be on this for a week) so I can be in clenbuterol longer than 3 weeks my plan will now been either 8 or 12 weeks.
After reading so many different cycles and ways to do it, I have more doubts now than when I started.
So, my questions are:
1.- Will it be better to be in turanabol for a month or should I stay on it longer, lets say 6 or 8 weeks and why?
2. - Will I have to use a PCT cycle as well lets say with Clomid even if I only used turanabol for 4 weeks or will clomid only needed if I stay o turanabol for a longer period lets say 8 weeks?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.