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Thread: 1st cycle, 1st shot, and I may be infected...

  1. #1

    1st cycle, 1st shot, and I may be infected...


    On Saturday I put 1 cc of 250 test c in each delt... hurt, but I sucked it up, now its Thursday and no pain.

    On Sunday I put 1.5cc " " in the right glute. I used a 1" 25g pin, and I was surprised how painless it was. In fact I couldn't even feel it until Tuesday night. I had a little trouble sleeping on it, but it wasn't painful and just felt like a hard lump. Now its Thursday and it has grown a little bit, not as hard, and hurts like a b*tch. I was already taking doxy for acne since a week ago, so I don't know how it got infected, if that is what it is. It looks a little red, and I have this white dot about the size of a dime below the inject site.

    My questions are:
    From general experience is it infected, or did I not go in far enough, or should I just quit being a puss?
    Also, I had no trouble with the shoulders, so it leads me to think I wasn't clean enough with the glute shot. Is it possible my whole vial is infected? (I transfered it from packets, which i cleaned up with alcohol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    I think you'll be fine...if it was the gear, you would know it in your shoulders...

    If you're that concerned about the knot in your ass, go to the clinic and have it looked at, but like I said, I think you'll be fine.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I think you'll be fine...if it was the gear, you would know it in your shoulders...

    If you're that concerned about the knot in your ass, go to the clinic and have it looked at, but like I said, I think you'll be fine.

    Good luck,
    Just an update,

    Iced and heated it for the first time and massaged it. Definately lost some size to it and the pain isn't so bad. I'm thinking this happened because I didn't get in far enough with a 1"

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