On Saturday I put 1 cc of 250 test c in each delt... hurt, but I sucked it up, now its Thursday and no pain.
On Sunday I put 1.5cc " " in the right glute. I used a 1" 25g pin, and I was surprised how painless it was. In fact I couldn't even feel it until Tuesday night. I had a little trouble sleeping on it, but it wasn't painful and just felt like a hard lump. Now its Thursday and it has grown a little bit, not as hard, and hurts like a b*tch. I was already taking doxy for acne since a week ago, so I don't know how it got infected, if that is what it is. It looks a little red, and I have this white dot about the size of a dime below the inject site.
My questions are:
From general experience is it infected, or did I not go in far enough, or should I just quit being a puss?
Also, I had no trouble with the shoulders, so it leads me to think I wasn't clean enough with the glute shot. Is it possible my whole vial is infected? (I transfered it from packets, which i cleaned up with alcohol.