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  1. #1
    carrick2200 is offline New Member
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    Steroids and Laser eye surgery

    I know this might be a strange question but has anyone had laser eye surgery while on a cycle?

    If not has anyone got any views on it?

  2. #2
    Vinlander's Avatar
    Vinlander is offline Banned
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    Bad idea. From what I've heard straight from the mouth of a opthomologist, steroids are used to decrease inflammation during eye injuries but they retard healing. It would be wise to be off cycle during pretty much ANY procedure where a physician needs to be aware of any drug interactions between what they're administering and what you're currently taking.

  3. #3
    carrick2200 is offline New Member
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    I thought that might be the case. I have called the doctor and he is going to get back to me.

  4. #4
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carrick2200
    I thought that might be the case. I have called the doctor and he is going to get back to me.

    What did the doc say? I am looking at getting it done on 05/04 and starting cycle on 05/07.... didn't consider it to be a problem until I read this thread. Curious to know what your eye surgeon said?

  5. #5
    carrick2200 is offline New Member
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    Glad there is someone else in the same boat.

    Well to be honest I called up and spoke to the secretary who informed me that no surgeons were in (Easter and i am sure they will be jetting off somewhere nice) however she said she would speak to one of the optamoligists (sorry about the spelling) anyway she talked to the person who gives you an eye examination. Her advice was that she doesn't see any problem with taking steroids (nothing mentioned about strain at gym as i didn't ask about that). However she did say that the surgeon will discuss it and advise on it on the day of the appointment since the morning session of my appointment day is for the full consultation.

    Now you can either take two things from this. Either there is no real issue and she is correct. Or she is just saying that as these people get paid if i turn up for my consultation. So if they say no just now they get nothing, but if i turn up and they say no then she still gets some commission.

    My surgery is booked in for the 28th April so I'll let you know how it goes.

    There is another issue, one that is possibly more of an issue. You are meant to take a month of the gym after the procedure. That includes just 'normal' people doing general light gym stuff. On cycle it is more lightly that you will be straining a lot more and it may stop the healing process.

    I'm going to go for it so we will soon see....or maybe not in my case....

  6. #6
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    only info i can offer is that i had the surgery back in 2000

    started using gear is still 20/20

  7. #7
    Vinlander's Avatar
    Vinlander is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    only info i can offer is that i had the surgery back in 2000

    started using gear is still 20/20
    That is MORE than enough time for your eyes to have healed. Eyes are the quickest-healing part of your body and damage to the epithelial layer of the eye can heal over in 24 hours if given proper care.

    The problem here is that steroids retard this healing and can double the amount of time the inner part of the eye is exposed to foreign pathogens. It's just not a good idea to even risk it, same with re-using needles. These are his EYES. You only get 2. Ever.

  8. #8
    carrick2200 is offline New Member
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    Vinlander you have a good point. You don't want to funk with your eyes. Having said that I am going to do the right thing and test it out for you guys. As long as if iall goes wrong and i die a horrible blind death you guys appreciate me jumping on this grenade for

    I will see what the surgeon says on the 28th.

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinlander
    Bad idea. From what I've heard straight from the mouth of a opthomologist, steroids are used to decrease inflammation during eye injuries but they retard healing. It would be wise to be off cycle during pretty much ANY procedure where a physician needs to be aware of any drug interactions between what they're administering and what you're currently taking.
    Those are different kinds of steroids . Not anabolic .

    I have had a few surgeries while on. Not laser eye though. Had other eye surgery.

  10. #10
    carrick2200 is offline New Member
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    Nice one gixxerboy1. I to thought the steroids they would administer, if indeed they do at all, would be a non anabolic type. Just didn't want to say i case i was wrong.

    Tell me though did lifting put a lot of noticeable strain on your eye(s) after the surgery? i suppose if i thing about it i can feel my eyes muscles tense up when i strain to lift.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by carrick2200
    Nice one gixxerboy1. I to thought the steroids they would administer, if indeed they do at all, would be a non anabolic type. Just didn't want to say i case i was wrong.

    Tell me though did lifting put a lot of noticeable strain on your eye(s) after the surgery? i suppose if i thing about it i can feel my eyes muscles tense up when i strain to lift.
    my surgery was on the muscles of my eye. So i couldn't lift for a few days, But i was in a ton of pain from it too. Laser eye is totally different. I would think a few days later you would be ok

  12. #12
    Vinlander's Avatar
    Vinlander is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Those are different kinds of steroids . Not anabolic .

    I have had a few surgeries while on. Not laser eye though. Had other eye surgery.
    It worked for you and that's terrific, but it is certainly not recommended to screw with your eyes in any way. Erring on the side of caution is always best, especially with irreplaceable body parts.

  13. #13
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I guess opinions all vary. I haven't spoke with the surgeon, but I talked to the folks that handle the Q&A... they said that the concern with healing have to do with contact sports...such as; football, wrestling, mma, etc..., not weightlifting. I do cardio and they said the only concern with that is getting sweat in the eyes... for the first few days you don't want any sweat to get in the eye because of bacteria transmitting. Other than that you should be fine.

    gixxer was probably hitting it on the nail with the type of steroids . Cortison (sp) shots for pain won't do the same as test e, etc...I guess we'll see. If I have to lay off gym for a month they will have to count me out.. I can't layoff more than a few days without feeling like crap so that was the first thing I asked them when I talked.. I didn't mention anything about my cycle though!

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