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  1. #1
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    Need suggestions!!!!

    I am now off recent cycle sus d-bol and mast.

    I'm on pct right now and have sometime to go.

    this up coming fall/winter i want to do a cycle that is mostly for strength but not just roid strength strength that i will keep most of if not all after the cycle is over.

    I need suggestions on what you guys may think is are my best choices.

    5'9 170 approx 5-6%bf. Have 4 cycles under my belt, however only my last cycle really mattered because i got sick and lost everything i had gotten from my previous 3 cycles due to intestional parasite. I now bench 275 for reps and sqaut 315 deep for reps. dead lift 405 for reps and what to increase all these by about 15-20%. I have an idea for a cycle but I also want any info anyone out there can give me.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    For me, I would suggest using Deca /test cycle. I did and kept about 90+% of my gains in strength and size. Deca is known for puttning on mass and keeping it on after your finished, with a good pct and continued training.

    I am curious to hear how the test/mast worked for you. I am thinking of doing that next.

  3. #3
    GauchB's Avatar
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    It worked very well and i have really kept my gains so far.

    I also really cut up from about 7-8% down to 5-6%bf and I gained good hard muscle with moderate strength gains.

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GauchB
    It worked very well and i have really kept my gains so far.

    I also really cut up from about 7-8% down to 5-6%bf and I gained good hard muscle with moderate strength gains.
    ^^^Awesome, that's what I want to hear. I usully do primo/winny for the summer but I am think of doing a mast/test. Never did mast before but hear very good things.

    I finished my deca /test with a 4 week dbol kick start about 7 1/2 weeks ago. I finished my pct 2 weeks ago and I am about the same strength now(~90%) as I was when I finished. I lost about 4-5lbs after putting on 22lbs and I am now starting to put on a little strenth naturally on top of my previous gains. If your looking for gains you can keep, Deca is the way to go. IMO, nothing else compares for sustained mass/strength gains. GL

  5. #5
    GauchB's Avatar
    GauchB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    I finished my deca /test with a 4 week dbol kick start about 7 1/2 weeks ago. I finished my pct 2 weeks ago and I am about the same strength now(~90%) as I was when I finished. I lost about 4-5lbs after putting on 22lbs and I am now starting to put on a little strenth naturally on top of my previous gains. If your looking for gains you can keep, Deca is the way to go. IMO, nothing else compares for sustained mass/strength gains. GL

    Ok sounds good could you give me your whole cycle pct also week by week an doses?
    It would be much appreciated.

    I know only 2 other friends that have used mast and they and I love it compared to winny, not even close in strength gains or in that shredded muscle look. Only prob is the $$$. A little expensive but worth it!!!

  6. #6
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    I sent you a PM with all the info you need from my last cycle and pct.

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