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  1. #1
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2005
    6'4" 240 and bulking

    Summer cutting cycle - need advice

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle I'm 6'3" was 240lbs currently cutting around 225lbs havn't juiced in a year. Previous cycles were Test E + dbol and Test E + winstrol . Never used tren so I'm excited

    This is what I have to use

    Test prop 100mg/ml
    Tren A 75mg/ml
    Winstrol 50mg pills

    I can get Masteron (drostanolone prop or drostanolone enanthate ) but I don't want to spend the extra money if the winny pills are good enough

    Not looking to put on alot of size just want to be ripped w/no water weight. I put on weight very easily and I am very prone to gyno and my face gets bloated easy so I was thinking....

    Test prop 100mg ed weeks 1-10
    Tren ace 50mg-75mg ed weeks 1-10
    Winstrol 50mg-100mg ed OR masteron enanthate/prop ???mg week (how much a week and how often)
    Letro .25mg-.50mg ed

    How should I run the t3 and clen? Should I use both at once or use t3 during cycle and clen for PCT (nolva and aromasin )
    Last edited by juiceball44; 04-15-2007 at 03:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Coast
    First off, IMO dump the winny, stash it, or sell it. If you're concerned about gyno then throw down for some Masteron . It's well worth it and will help with estrogenic sides. Give the Masteron a try, especially if you've already run winny.

    Just my $.02

  3. #3
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    6'4" 240 and bulking
    winny seemed to help me with bloat and being hard why drop it??

    is masteron that much better?? do I have to go with drostanolone prop or can I get away with drostanolone enanthate . cause 3cc total per day seems little much to me, if drostanolone enanthate how much per week and how often?

    the winny is pills so could I use both the mast and winny?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    4 compounds for a third cycle is pushing it but all in all, it's your decision. You can definitely go either way. I used Masteron recently and loved it so I'm kinda on the band wagon right now. I'm not discouraging winstrol , just encouraging masteron b/c I really liked it.

    The clen and t3 can be run seperate also if you'd like but T3 should be run with test usually b/c at high doses it can become catabolic. When you run the clen/T3 try to include supps such as taurine and potassium for cramping, etc.

  5. #5
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    6'4" 240 and bulking
    the t3 i am going to run with 100mg test prop a day, now i know you cannot run clen for more than a few weeks what about the t3 could i run it 10 weeks?

    Here is a pic before I started cutting and after I lost like 10-15 lbs
    Last edited by juiceball44; 03-25-2010 at 09:00 PM.

  6. #6
    juiceball44 is offline Associate Member
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    6'4" 240 and bulking
    how long can I run the t3 and can I run clen with it??

  7. #7
    jamikehat is offline Associate Member
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    Dirty South
    My last cycle I ran t3 for 12 wks on cycle and clen for 6 during pct using the benadryl method and felt no ill effects. Yes you can run them both together on cycle to cut even more, but I like to split it and take my clen pct to combat cortisol.

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