I am thinking about a T200 cycle, everyone says its good for your first cycle, I was thinking
T200 400mg for 10weeks
and dbol 30mg for the first 6
with clomid the last two weeks.
Any suggestions, thanks
I am thinking about a T200 cycle, everyone says its good for your first cycle, I was thinking
T200 400mg for 10weeks
and dbol 30mg for the first 6
with clomid the last two weeks.
Any suggestions, thanks
i did a similar cycle but with cyp. i did 400mgs a week for 10 weeks. i had to stop at week 3.5 though. i was up 10lbs in that time. definetly do the dbol with it. i would add some deca to if you can. like 300mgs a week or so. or you could add some eq at 400mgs a week.
love love love love that t-200
Hey Bro
looks like a good cycle
start clomid on week 12!!!
so start the clomid two weeks after im off T200,
another ? sorry, but how bout throw 4 weeks of EQ in at the end about 150mg a shot every other day, to make take some of the water out, and harden up a lil
so cycle revised
t200 400mg 1-10
dbol 30mg 1-6
EQ 150mg 7-10
clomid 12-16
Last edited by footballcat; 08-10-2002 at 02:26 PM.
a lil help please
Go with Winny at the end. EQ takes way too long to kick in to be of any use as your suggesting, it also takes longer to come out of the system so Clomid would need to be posponed a week and cyp bumped up a week.
I'd throw winny in there @ 50-75mg's a day, drop the DBol to weeks 1-4, and take ALA to help the liver. I would also extend the cycle to 12 weeks and take the winny weeks 6-12 or 7-12 if your that concerned over the liver. I feel that the liver problems are overstated, but thats just me.
For a first cycle, you're first thougths looked good at 400mg t-200 (probably 374 mg) per week and 25-30mg/ed of D-bol. What are your stats though? T.E. should be shot every 5 days for optimal results so shoot Mon and Fri. No need for winny on firrst cycle (running 2c17-aa comounds is a no-no for 1st cycle, learn your body.) Run clomid as iceman said or 15 days after lst shot (more precisely.) EQ is proving to be effective in low (relatively-- 400-600mg weekly) for meium-long lengths of time (10-14weeks), but it is no becoming a more common perception that it also is useful in higher(relative) dosages of 800-1200mg for 5-8 weeks (note that at this disage there is some discussion that some aromatization will occur and other sides will be prevalent as ell as proportional increase of normal sides.) Therefore, this is not recommended for a novice. Take care and good luck cycling (remember it's mostly diet, training, genetics, and then gear as a supplement to the others.)
ok well i will leave the EQ out, this is my first cycle and i dont want to push it. Im 6'3" 230lbs and about 10% BF.
I guess i will not take EQ or Winny, no need to take two 17aas right?
EQ is NOT a 17AA, it is very mild and a good beginner drug. Winny/DBOL/Anavar/and A-Bombs are 17AA's.
oh ok so eq will be fine to take then
Listen to this man, the eq takes a long ass time to kick in, use winny weeks 7-12 to harden up. If you wanted to use EQ should have started at the beginning with the test and ran it all the way through."Go with Winny at the end. EQ takes way too long to kick in to be of any use as your suggesting"
This is in reference to winny and d-bol being run in same cycle, not EQ. Thank you, DMX. a 4 week break from heptatoxic compounds will only partially restore liver values to normal in most healthy individuals. What is the use of the winny, perhaps once again i'm assuming too much, but from his stats and screenname it's possible he could be a football player, if this is the case, why suffer the joint pain and dryness assosciated with winny? Maybe as an offseason cycle. Of course i could be completely wrong and this oculd be an aesthetic cycle, in which case i would just say EQ (1-8),T.E. (1-10), Winny (7-12) actually a litttle timeline adjustment would be necessary.Originally posted by kaoz&zen
No need for winny on firrst cycle (running 2c17-aa comounds is a no-no for 1st cycle, learn your body
Have you consider use Deca in your cycle?
cant take deca, 18 month decation time, i dont want to mess with that, i could get tested 3 times in 18 months
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