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Thread: Sperm Donor

  1. #1
    Dnutz is offline New Member
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    Sperm Donor

    I am currently donating sperm and want to know how an anavar cycle will afect sperm count and if there is anything that could help keep sperm count up?

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Taking aas will effect your sperm count however var doesn't shut it down completely like others(deca , tren ). You should just have a lower sperm count. Doing a proper PCT will help bring it back up, hcg works the fastest but IMO not necessary for a var cycle.

  3. #3
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    i have read that if you are on gear and you father a child during that time it will most likely be female.
    thats what i have read on the boards.
    also i have read that clomid increases sperm load.

  4. #4
    Dnutz is offline New Member
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    good to know, thanks for the responses

  5. #5
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just out of curiosity, when they screen you do they ask you if you have or are using aas?

  6. #6
    chaznad is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yautja
    i have read that if you are on gear and you father a child during that time it will most likely be female.
    thats what i have read on the boards.
    can someone confirm this with research? very interesting

  7. #7
    yautja's Avatar
    yautja is offline Junior Member
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    i cant remember to well but it had something to do with the chromosomes.

  8. #8
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yautja
    i have read that if you are on gear and you father a child during that time it will most likely be female.
    thats what i have read on the boards.
    also i have read that clomid increases sperm load.

    See youngin's...if you want a boy; wait before you gear up.

    I'll never forget the Dr saying (during the sonogram)... "You see that.. that is "his"...

    ...and I didnt let him finish. I was already jumping up and down like I just won the world series.

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaznad
    can someone confirm this with research? very interesting
    no, but i went from 100,000 sperm to 64,000,000 with great motility..
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  10. #10
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yautja
    i have read that if you are on gear and you father a child during that time it will most likely be female.
    thats what i have read on the boards.
    My wife got pregnant last year while I was on cycle (prop/tren ); it was a girl. Unfortunately, she had Downs. Not a mild case; it was 15/15 cells tested. We opted to abort ... a very tough call. We're both professionals and only have a couple of hours in the evening together before sleep. I travel extensively and my wife's an RN.
    I don't know if the Downs was related to the roids since I was 45 and my wife was 37.
    This is both of ours second marriages; I have a boy & girl but my wife is childless. We REALLY wanted a girl.
    I won't be on cycle the next time my wife tries to get pregnant.

  11. #11
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    woah, sorry to hear that lou. does it have an effect aas on turnout of neonates?

  12. #12
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousygenes
    My wife got pregnant last year while I was on cycle (prop/tren ); it was a girl. Unfortunately, she had Downs. Not a mild case; it was 15/15 cells tested. We opted to abort ... a very tough call. We're both professionals and only have a couple of hours in the evening together before sleep. I travel extensively and my wife's an RN.
    I don't know if the Downs was related to the roids since I was 45 and my wife was 37.
    This is both of ours second marriages; I have a boy & girl but my wife is childless. We REALLY wanted a girl.
    I won't be on cycle the next time my wife tries to get pregnant.
    Im sorry to hear that man. Im glad to see that you admit the gear MAY have played a role in it. Most of the younger guys on here are in denial about some of the possible sides of AS.

    When my son was born, he tested positive for a Cystic Fibrosis gene. We had to wait 2 weeks before finding out if he was actually infected with the condition, or if he was just a "carrier'. Luckily he was just a carrier (which means he will never actually develop CF, but if he has a child with another "carrier" their children will have an 80% chance of being born with the condition).

    It was the scariest two weeks of my entire life. No doubt.

  13. #13
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    woah, sorry to hear that lou. does it have an effect aas on turnout of neonates?
    Thanks. It's painful to talk about, since it was less than a yr since the loss, but I think that it's important for everyone to realize that there are negatives to roids. Again, I don't know if they played a part, but it'll torture me for a LONG time.
    Neonates? I'm not familiar with that term.

  14. #14
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    Im sorry to hear that man. Im glad to see that you admit the gear MAY have played a role in it. Most of the younger guys on here are in denial about some of the possible sides of AS.

    When my son was born, he tested positive for a Cystic Fibrosis gene. We had to wait 2 weeks before finding out if he was actually infected with the condition, or if he was just a "carrier'. Luckily he was just a carrier (which means he will never actually develop CF, but if he has a child with another "carrier" their children will have an 80% chance of being born with the condition).

    It was the scariest two weeks of my entire life. No doubt.
    I'm glad to hear that your son's OK.
    Anyone who thinks that roids are a magic bullet with no sides needs to step back and do a bit more research.

  15. #15
    LmbrJak is offline Junior Member
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    HCG would boost your count

    AAS will not cause birth defects, it wont change your DNA or your chromosome number. AAS are just hormones

    If a woman takes aas during pregnancy there are all kinds problems for the fetus.So you only need to worry about a low sperm count not defects.

    Oh yea the X chromosome carrying sperm (the girl sperm) are faster swimmers.

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