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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1
    bigrock19 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007

    first cycle

    5'8" 205 lbs. 14% bf 26 yrs.
    6 yrs. lifting naturally

    test prop at 50 mg. eod for 12 weeks
    deca 200 mg. wk for 10 weeks

    This is low, but my stats are already decent. Lookin' to put on 10 lbs, drop some bf, the usual. never done this before, so receptors will just suck it all up.


  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Prop should be shot ED for better blood levels

    not the best for a first cycle unless you can handle ED shots

    What do you have for PCT???? the most important part of any cycle

  3. #3
    bigrock19 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2007
    will have clomid and nolvadex on hand

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    yes, I think test prop is too much for first timer, why not use test cyp or test enth then you will not have to shot ed or eod, much easier. Other than that I think test/deca and the low doses is the way to go for first cycle. You will definitely grow and with a good pct you will keep your gains. How long is your cycle? and remember to use the test for 1 week longer than the deca, unless you stick with the prop then 2 weeks longer. Start your PCT 2 weeks after last deca shot. GL

  5. #5
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    agreed the dose is low but as its ur first cycle u should make gains from it,and I agree with sman,prop ed sides are a lot less

    my first cycle was low also,i made reasonable gains

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