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Thread: Cycle advice

  1. #1
    bolt4040 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Cycle advice

    What's up fellow meatheads..I need some advice for my next cycle. I am looking to harden up basically. my stats are listed below.


    I have only done one real cycle of test enanthate ..eq..dbol .

    I want to be a solid 200lbs if anything gain lean mass.

    Iwould to stick to orals injections if its a must.

    please lend me your advice

  2. #2
    ibetucanget4 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Your first cycle looks like it was a pretty powerful cycle!!! Did you get a lot of gains from it?!! Most people run Test alone or Test and maybe dbol for their first cycles.. Y don't you try some test and deca ?? And you wanna be 200 lbs?? in your stats it says you ARE 200lbs?? 13% bodyfat isn't too bad!!

  3. #3
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ibetucanget4
    Your first cycle looks like it was a pretty powerful cycle!!! Did you get a lot of gains from it?!! Most people run Test alone or Test and maybe dbol for their first cycles.. Y don't you try some test and deca?? And you wanna be 200 lbs?? in your stats it says you ARE 200lbs?? 13% bodyfat isn't too bad!!
    Agreed. I wouldn't use drugs if we had the same goals. Diet is the key.

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