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Thread: Anavar dosing

  1. #1
    BillyBob's Avatar
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    Anavar dosing

    I have heard that the ideal dosing for anavar is .125 x bodyweight. So if I weigh 160, I should take 20 mgs a day. Does that sound right?

  2. #2
    iceman11111 is offline Junior Member
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    Most guys go with 40mg per day for 8 weeks!

  3. #3
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    iceman no, 8 weeks of var is far from optimal, see other var post. 14-16

  4. #4
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i'd run 40mg ed for 5-6 weeks, based on your cycling experience.
    this recommendation is based on you being a novice cycler. of course if you run anavar before then maybe a little higher dose or longer run is in order.........

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by kaoz&zen
    i know idoon't post here often, but in my smallopinion. It would be effective, but not enough for most people in that amount, since most want aesthetic gains, not just strength. The main thing about an anavar cycle is that it should be run for a relatively long duration for optimum results. Typical is anywhere between 35-80mg/ed for around 16 weeks. Most people choose to use a liver protectant because of c17-aa toxicity involved. and arimidex is often recommended as well in order to keep one a little harder (also note that many prefer to run var with creatine and this affects water weight as well.) Strength gains will show in first few weeks and when used in conjunction with a clean diet,dramatic changes in muscular hardness and overall leanness (sometimes acompanied by vascularity in certain individuals.) willl begin to take effect around week 8or 9 for men (they show up later in women-- using much smaller dosages obviously.) When chooosing something to stack with many often go with test, but i would be interested to see results of some using fina and/or EQ w/o the presence of a direct exogenous test source. Just some info take with a grain of salt (i'm just a newbie who doesn't know much.)

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    seems kind of long to me, but i dont have a lot of experience with that long of a cycle on anavar . i noticed though that you mentioned anavar only. maybe he needs to post his cycle and then we can make a better determination.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    BillyBob's Avatar
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    I was thinking about anavar alone. Also you guys think that 40 mg of var for 10 weeks would be alright, or should I make it longer or shorter?
    While I'm doing my reasearch I cant find a set lenght for a var only cycle. I guess I could run some winstrol with it if you guys think it would be better? what should my dosing be on that, I read 50 mg ed?


  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I do like long cycles but I thing sixteen weeks is a little long for a novice AAS user. As far as running arimidex with it why? Anavar is the one drug you know isn't going to aromatize unless you just run arimidex to keep natural estrogen levels down. I do think you need at least 40 mg to see any good results.

  9. #9
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    people seem to like var winny cycles b/c of lack of sides, but this is two liver toxic (hepta) compounds and one for long time.) 10 weeks will be allright, but that is when most gains occur in terms of aesthetics with it. People who have run var for the longer durations (as i stated above) love it, but the ones i know who have done this with the most results all began with a bf of less than 11%. If you do take my advice and run for a little longer please get your bloodwork done around week 8or 9 to check.

  10. #10
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    you just run arimidex to keep natural estrogen levels down..yes, this is main reason. it also seems that most people experience slightly lower bf% (or perhaps easier to shed fat) while using an anti-e w/o any gear. There have been several posted "cycles" of peopl e supplementing with arimi on top of natural supplements (and not prohormones.) Why do u feel as if 16 weeks of var alone would be too much (even for a novice)? Surely not HPTA shutdown?

  11. #11
    Rickson's Avatar
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    Well actually HPTA will be so suppressed at 40 mg a day it is basically a shut down. But I also feel that people new to AAS need to reevaluate there bodies more frequently, allow their bodies to adjust to new set points, and allow for muscle maturity to occur naturally at those set points. Don't get me wrong I don't think there will be any major medical issues from a sixteen week anavar cycle but I like to see people newer to the AAS game rely less on drugs and value the work and diet between cycles(this is a generalization of course).

  12. #12
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Well actually HPTA will be so suppressed at 40 mg a day it is basically a shut down. But I also feel that people new to AAS need to reevaluate there bodies more frequently, allow their bodies to adjust to new set points, and allow for muscle maturity to occur naturally at those set points. Don't get me wrong I don't think there will be any major medical issues from a sixteen week anavar cycle but I like to see people newer to the AAS game rely less on drugs and value the work and diet between cycles(this is a generalization of course).
    you beat me to it bro, and i couldnt have said it better myself.......

    peace bb79

  13. #13
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    i agree, but i feel that one shouldn't consider cycling until that level of maturity is reached, and i suppose that i am assuming this is a universal thought (there always will be the naive.) HPTA suppression will only be about 24% if i remember correctly (i will search for studies later).
    I do understand the readjustment you speak of, that your body won't keep the muscle unless iti is gained in direct proportions with what your body is ready to handle. This is shy some people lose gains after going natural and some don't. (At least the theory goes.) Actually, now that oyu point it out. Anavar is a drug whose gains are most obviously reflected by your diet. With a good one it will do wonders, but without a decent one,it will make hardly any difference (whereas with some "stronger" compounds you can still make gains-- albeit not quality ones usually. Good reply

  14. #14
    Rickson's Avatar
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    Actually the suppression will be much higher then that in all likely hood. While suppression is greatly reduced if one takes the entire dose in the morning it is also by far the least effective way to take anavar . So assuming he will be spreading his dosage out throughout the day for maximum anabolic effect the suppression will be almost complete. There will be some HPTA function which will undoubtedly help with recovery. Here is the test results of an individual who did this for the sole purpose of measuring the suppression of anavar.

    Blood Work Done:anavar Shuts You Down, And Ala Isnt Worth Much As Liver Protector (post #1)

    i'm sorry to tell you this but this is just the truth: this is my blood work done just before starting the cycle: NORMAL VALUES
    COLESTEROL 172 less than 200
    HDL 73 more than 55
    LDL 102 less than 150
    TESTOSTERONE 5.5 2.4-8.3
    LH 4.6 1.5-9.3
    FSH 6.7 1.4-18.1
    liver enzimes:
    GOT 21 less than37
    GPT 24 less than 40

    so you see everithing was normal, and this is the blood work done after 32 days (5th week) of 40mgs/day of anavar (spanish generic)
    It was the only drug taken besides a xenadrine eca

    HDL 24
    LDL 106
    LH 2.06
    FSH 0.51

    GOT 42
    GPT 47

    so as you can see it did not have a great effect on the lipides (even though HDL 24 is way too low) but it totally shut down my natural test production. It has also increased my liver enzimes, nothing serious, but this prooves ala (used every single day between 800 and 2000mgs a day) is not that effective, sice once i got the same liver values from dbol without using anything. Also it shows oxandrolone is not so mild on the liver as everybody calims. I'm sorry to tell you this, because the results were great. I dieted all the time gained 3 pounds on the scale and went from 13% bf to 7%, and, belive me, by the mirrowr that 's simply amazing (other fat burning prodoucts like eca and yohimburn were used) i'm sorry to say this aslo because i like ala as a supplement but i can't say the same regarding liver protection. I will end my cycle tomorrow, and i will have to do a full clomid therapy. When i did this tests i was hoping not to even use it and just throw in some tribulus i had, but it will obviousy not be the case.One more thing the 40 mgs of anavar were split throughout the day. I hope this informations help

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  15. #15
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    that's hwat i've always felt about ALA.. Thank you for posting that's interesting. I'm amazed at the amount of test production that i am guessing was shut down for you from the numbers. Still looking for that study (but u have personal experience, so u already know your answers for your own case..individual variability) When i speak to one of my friends i will see what his blood work is like exactly, but he said his levels weren't that affected, especially liver enzymes and test serum levels, but ididn't check them. Yes, very helpful and very impressive gains btw.
    Also have you taken tests after other cycles and compared results, i would be interested (and not surprised) if perhaps any c17-aa would affect your liver values as such and what your test levels would be after a more "popular" cycle.

  16. #16
    BillyBob's Avatar
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    All this infromation is great. All I was expecting from this post was to see if I could get away with taking 20 mgs a day. I still dont know though if I should go for 16, 10, 8 or 6 weeks because I dont know who to listen too I already had the clomid because I knew it shut you down but I didn't think it was that bad (8.3 to .92). Is there other liver protectants other than ala that might work a little better?

  17. #17
    kaoz&zen is offline Junior Member
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    go 8, get tsts done at 7 and then decide. just stock enough to run all the way to 16 if u want Take all ofour advice.

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