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Thread: chinese "pregnyl"... need info, pls!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    chinese "pregnyl"... need info, pls!

    i just received 3 x 2000 iu "small vials" of chinese "pregnyl/hcg"...
    i used the "original" brand in the past but it came with its "solvent".

    now.. few questions:

    - what exactly i have to buy to mix with that powder?
    - and how much of this?
    - once mixed, do i leave it in that "small" vial? or preload few
    sirynges and store them in the fridge?
    - is 500-1000 iu 2 x wk) days enough?
    - or... do i start with a higher dosage shot (2000 iu) and than drop each time?
    (please consider i have 3 more weeks before pct)

    i read different opinion about all this, can someone tell me something
    "safe"... and that will work?


    Last edited by fabry; 04-21-2007 at 04:42 AM. Reason: none

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    mix with bac water. put into sterile vial. For pct i would use 500iu ED for first 14 days. For during cycle 500iu every 3,5 days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i will start to use it today as my balls really shrunk!!!!

    sterile vial? i dont know if ill find them in my pharmacy...
    also, how much bac water for 2000 iu's?

    thanks again..

  4. #4
    If its the same stuff I had they are already in very small vials, just add the bac water with a slin pin. I normally add 0.8ml of bac water. That way you can just draw up 0.2mil on the slin pin and that will give you 500iu of HCG per shot.

    Shoot that 3 times a week to keep the nuts plump

    Keep it in the fridge. It will keep for about 30 days when mixed with bac water, whereas its only good for a day or two mixed with sterile water.

    You can pick up bac water here:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Mt. Paekdu, Unified Korea
    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    i will start to use it today as my balls really shrunk!!!!

    sterile vial? i dont know if ill find them in my pharmacy...
    also, how much bac water for 2000 iu's?

    thanks again..
    Mix one vial and use it up before mixing another. The vials which contain your HCG are sterile vials. You could dilute each of your vials with 1mL (1cc) of BW. Store in your refrigerator.

    For injection:

    If you use a 100 unit insulin syringe, that will give you 500iu's per 25 units or 0.25ml.

    For a 40 unit insulin syringe, that will give you 500iu's per 10 units or 0.25ml.

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