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Thread: Clomid Caps

  1. #1

    Clomid Caps

    So I bought Test E, Deca, Clomid, and Nolva in powder form because it was good deal and seems almost fun to play chemist for a day. I am saving the Deca and Test for next cycle. I am on a 400 mg Test Cyp right now, and I am having no gyno as of yet. Would you guys recommend using the Novla regardless? Also, I couldnt find much info on homebrewing Clomid of Nolva, what is the best way to ingest? I have caps if need be and dont mind the process of doing it, but is there a better way? I dont have much interest in suspending it unless I have to. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i believe both will disolve in barcardi 151 or everclear (illegal in my state) just measure out and add.

  3. #3
    thanks for the reply, but could someone elaborate?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    maybe I should rephrase the question;

    I have clomid and novla in powder form, what is the best way to ingest it? Cap it? Measure it and mix it with????? Any info would be great. thanks

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