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Thread: Please tell me how not to get a shitload of water&fat gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Please tell me how not to get a shitload of water&fat gains

    I'm about to do another mass cycle after over a year and a half roid free. Please comment on my next basic cycle.
    When I use testosterone I always get puffed up, my face blows (water retention) and I add loads of fat as well as muscle. This time I want to try this cycle with the least water&fat gains possible. Please advise me on how to go about it this time:
    To combat the water retention and potential side effects I only have:
    1) PROVIRON 2) NOLVADEX & 3) CLOMID at my disposal.

    I am 24, weigh only 158lbs at 10%bf (after overdoing it with the cardio & ephedrine, biggest mistake of my life ), 5ft 11"
    Anyway here is the cycle:

    Testosteron Enanthate 1000mg weeks 1-8
    Deca 600mg weeks 1-6
    Week 11 Begin Clomid
    Is it worth adding Anadrol for the first 4 weeks since past usage of dianabol has proved useless on me, but ide like to know the potential side effect differences between the two. Does anadrol cause much more liver toxicity & aromatization than dianabol? (I've heard too many horror stories about the damn A-Bombs (I had no side effects with dianabol at 40mg/day/4weeks)

    If there's no way to cut the bloat and Arimidex is absolutely necessary please let me know and i'le have to switch to a primobolan, deca (low dosage), anavar cycle and empty the bank account

    I'de greatly appreciate any advice. Cheers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Test, Eq, Winnie, and arimidex.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    if your worried about water retention change the deca in your cycle to EQ it will help with the bloat.. as for the differences of liver toxicities
    between a-bombs,and dbol i can't answer that one. I'm going with A-bombs this time around though instead of dbol.. I'm using primo too,but it's so damn expensive bro.

  4. #4
    If you want to keep bloat to a minimum, you should reconsider the juice you have chosen. I would substitute Test Prop for Enanthate, EQ for Deca, and add Fina and/or winny.

    BTW, arimidex/liquidex is not hard to find and because they are not a scheduled drug, they are not illegal to buy..... pm me for more info.

    I would stay away from anadrol/dbol if you want to keep water to a minimum.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Thanks you lot!

    I appreciate all the replies.

    Arthur, Kreper & GB Huge, I just can't convince myself to inject anything that's made for animals.(Equipoise)
    I know it's probably stupid, but those are my rules. (I can't trust vet steroids cause I think their dirtier )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by Gonna Be HUGE
    If you want to keep bloat to a minimum, you should reconsider the juice you have chosen. I would substitute Test Prop for Enanthate
    I never mentioned propionate in my cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by arthurb999
    Test, Eq, Winnie, and arimidex.
    You've got me thinking. I think ile trash the deca & substitute it with primobolan depot, and add(drink) 100mg/day winstrol depot for the last 4 weeks. (+ arimidex during the cycle). Seems more logical for quality gains.

    Ile drink the winstrol cause I hate those damn water based injections :
    I don't feel good about that shitty thick oil in the primo either, but as the old saying goes..."no pain no gain"

    Does this sound better.....?

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