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  1. #1
    McBain is offline Member
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    Pimple? down there, need help

    I think, or rather I hope, that I have a pimple on my shaft. It's some sort of bubble thats actually pretty big for a sort of looks like a bad mosquito bite bump. Anyways it hurts like hell! Not sure if it's AAS related, if there are any tips anyone has to prevent any pimples down there or if there is any reason I should be worried that it might be something else. I'm mostly worried that it is not a pimple and is something more serious. Any help would be much appreciated as I am tweaking out a bit having this thing on my cock that hurts like hell

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I don't think there is anything special to prevent a problem in that region other then proper washing and an antibacterial soap. I hope that is all it is for your sake.

  3. #3
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
    5minsforfighting is offline Associate Member
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    could be an ingrown hair ... have you shaved down south lately ???

  4. #4
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pop it ... Pop it...

    I've had those before. ouch they hurt. I know your not suposted to do it, but I always pop those little bitches.

  5. #5
    inertia's Avatar
    inertia is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by RON
    Pop it ... Pop it...

    I've had those before. ouch they hurt. I know your not suposted to do it, but I always pop those little bitches.
    lol ----ron

    thought; it could be something else. does it come to a head? i get ones like that every now and then , seems antibiotics help the best but there usually closer to the hair line. usually go away in a few days.

    CURE: have the nearest girl suck ALL the puss right out.

  6. #6
    Vaj10's Avatar
    Vaj10 is offline Associate Member
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    it is either an ingrown hair or holding ur manhood with dirty hands while peeing. I used to rush around all day at work and my hands were always dirty, never having a chance to take my time and wash and i occasionally got them. finally my doc (father) said to wash my hand BEFORE i piss and doing so to this day i have not had a reoccurance... good luck....

  7. #7
    Prot is offline Banned
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    Steroids suppress immune system and allow appearance.....45 million are infected in US but most dont know.
    Last edited by Prot; 08-12-2002 at 08:12 AM.

  8. #8
    adaptations's Avatar
    adaptations is offline Member
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    Originally posted by inertia

    CURE: have the nearest girl suck ALL the puss right out.

  9. #9
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    Just chop it off. LOL

  10. #10
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    SOunds like ingrown, take a DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP breath and pop it.

  11. #11
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    You could always use a rusty butter knife or sandpaper...try a pin the pour peroxide on it, or even old spice/brut by faberge! Don't mind the extreme pain or crying like a baby!

    No seriously, it could be an ingrown hair or dirt, if you're wearing banana hammicks or tighty whiteys that's why. If you pop it, it may bleed big time and not to mention the pain is EXCRUSIATING.
    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Check the girls you been with also! If you've been unprotected etc, go to doc and don't jam your junk in anymore women! you could be ruining someones life!
    I had a budy that I surfed with who got all f'd up cause of that, and infected 2 girls with herpies! 1 night of fun for a lifetime of Dick Luggage! It could be a whart or a herpie shanker.

  12. #12
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Could be anything but Prot is right about his figures. You should get it checked by your doctor. If you want to make sure it is not something bad and don't want to have your doctor take a look then I recommend They set you up at a local place, for example they would refer me here to my local hospital's lab. The lab would perform the specified blood test I choose from the website and get me the results. You can get checked for any number of STD's or any other type of blood test you want. Get it checked, for example lets say it goes away by itself in 2-3weeks you probably think you are ok. Well that is what genital herpes does, you get outbreaks every once in a while, some people only have them rarely but still carry the virus for life. So you think you are ok but really the virus symtoms have just hid themselves in your nervous system until the next time your immune system is a little low. Like prot said this STD (virus ) is a huge epedemic in the US that no one talks about. Latest figures are that for people age 15-35 that 1 in 3 people has it. Could just be an ingrown hair but make sure.

  13. #13
    McBain is offline Member
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    Thanks for all the responses I was freaking out last night about it. I haven't had unprotected sex ever so I think I'm set there, plus I haven't had sex in a while

    I think it was just a pimple. I took a piss today and checked on it and it was oozing shit out so I pushed the shit out of it (it was all puss) and then threw a hot compress on it. Swelling is way down and it doesn't hurt much now. I've never gotten a pimple there so I was worried it was something more serious. I'll try washing my hands more often or carrying around tongs for when I piss

    Thanks again for all the replies, definitely helped calm my nerves!

  14. #14
    RobNAUTICA's Avatar
    RobNAUTICA is offline Associate Member
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    i bet the hot compress on the weiner felt like crap....
    Nothing like burnin the jimmy to teach it a lesson... INGROWNS SUCK!

  15. #15
    little-man-zane's Avatar
    little-man-zane is offline Associate Member
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    stop spanking the monkey so much.

  16. #16
    McBain is offline Member
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    Originally posted by RobNAUTICA
    i bet the hot compress on the weiner felt like crap....
    Nothing like burnin the jimmy to teach it a lesson... INGROWNS SUCK!
    Yeah it definitely hurt, make my cock think twice about getting a pimple/ingrown hair next time though!

    Maybe I should stop wacking it with old, dirty, rough gardening gloves......maybe that's the problem?

  17. #17
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Thanks for a most humorous thread...

    But on a serious note, my first thought in reading the original post was herpes (HSV Type 2). On the other hand, a herpes chancre would normally last for longer than a day or two and it wouldn't pop like a pimple. Most herpes outbreaks tend to last for 2-3 weeks.

    One thing you may have found when using testosterone is that you can get pimples in some strange places, even if you have not had acne for many years. I've never had one in the place under discussion here, but one never knows...

    Simple advice: If it happens again, then see a doctor - preferably within 24 hours of the outbreak. If it's diagnosed as herpes, the doctor will prescribe Valtrex, which is most effective if started within the first 24 hours. If it's only a pimple, your doctor can get his or her jollies by being the one to pop it.

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