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Thread: First cycle!!!...plz check it out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    south cali

    First cycle!!!...plz check it out

    First cylce
    22 yo 6'3 225 16 % bf
    working out about 5 years..
    i want to gain lean muscle mass, minimal fat...but still gain size..

    TEST E: 400 mg /wk Will run from week 1-11
    EQ : 400 mg/wk Will run from week 1-10
    Anavar: 30-50 mg / day will run on weeks 6, 7,8,9,10 ( and 11 possibly)

    Have Arimidex on hand for during cycle-(to decrease bloating and sides of e2)

    PCT-- 21 days after EQ and 14 days after TEst e
    day 1-30
    Nolvadex 20 mg/day
    clomid 100 mg /day

    of course i have milk thistle also for my liver
    How does that look?
    i have my diet in check...if anyone wants to see willing to email or post that also..
    please help me out here..i think ive done my homework, but i love 0.02 infos
    thanks guys

  2. #2
    as big as you are i dont feel you will see anything from running eq at 400 mg's a week for 10 weeks.. i would run the test at 500 a week for 12 weeks and the eq as well at 600 mgs... i ran eq for 12 weeks at 400 mg's and saw minimal if any results from it and i was 5 11 225 when i started.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    south cali
    was that also ur first cylce? ..ths is my first.i dont want to bloat too much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    forget about the eq for your first cycle and just run test and anavar or tbol. Your diet will determine how much bloat and fat you gain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    south cali
    what outcomes would i get with just running TEST e and anavar? with anavar u have to watch for liver..?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    looks good to me
    i start to see results from eq in week 5

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Shreds what was ur Bf when u 225 6 '3 about 15 16 Approx % Bf might be a little guesstimating on that part..should i run 400 or more then that? ive heard 600 gives way better results..? i just dont want to bloat.thats why im keepin test low, and eating a good diet

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    400 is a good start
    i maintain 10-12%bf yearround

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Test @ 500,no need for Eq....for now.Eq is good @ 600mg/week and no less than 12 weeks,eq is going to make you very hungy and very vascular.


  10. #10
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    south cali
    LatinoPR-why wouldnt i want to run EQ now? i can try to run it for 12 weeks if necessary..i know the results are better at 12 weeks bc of the longer esther in the compound, but vascularity would be good, and if i get extremely hungry, i can eat the healthy food choices!?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Just run test only for your first cycle so if you get sides, you know what compound is causing them. Then when you run test and eq, you'll know what sides the test is causing and what the eq is causing also. If you jump into a test and eq cycle and get horrible sides, wouldn't you want to know which compound is causing them so you know how to combat or prevent them next time?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    south cali
    Good point....thanks

  13. #13
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    If you have enough just run the test at 1000mg a week for around 12 weeks, take arimidex daily and for 6 weeks after coming off until natural production resumes. Also if your taking enthenate then switch for weeks 13-18 to test cyp which is a fast acting ester and let the enthenate work its way out of the body over those 5 weeks.that way you won't crash while it clears the system. Front load with the EQ or D-bal tabs if you want. Then switch to PC continuing the arimidex until everything is back to normal. You only get one first cycle. Don't be scared of it, hit it hard and keep training after your done to keep your gains. The bloat shouldn't be that bad w/ the arimidex after the initial week or two and you will grow like a f'n bull. just my $.02

  14. #14
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    In the gym..........
    Sorry about double post.
    Last edited by Anibolism; 04-24-2007 at 05:32 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    south cali
    Nice Anibolism...Do u think its OK to take A-dex Ed ..ive heard it messed up lipid levels drastically?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    south cali
    Nice Anibolism...Do u think its OK to take A-dex Ed ..ive heard it messed up lipid levels drastically?

  17. #17
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    I have been clean for 4 years now still lifting, still 240-250 lbs, still at 85% of my strongest lifts. Maybe around 8-10 years of cycling experience. My first two years were trail and error with no PCT (what was that in the late 80's early 90's). Learned alot and all further cycles contained test and arimidex daily while on and for a while after I came off. I never had any problem. Also I always ran 800-1000mg test weekly for a minimum of 12 weeks. some cycles lasted longer. The switch to cyp at the end always worked great too. I never had problems with the arimidex it actually made me feel great. Limited bloat and I didn't feel all lethargic from increased estrogen and water levels. No moon face either.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    sounds good...
    do i need to taper off the test during the last few weeks, im using test e, so it stays in my system for about 14 days after last injection right?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    south cali
    AND is it necesarry to frontload the Eq?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    I have been clean for 4 years now still lifting, still 240-250 lbs, still at 85% of my strongest lifts. Maybe around 8-10 years of cycling experience. My first two years were trail and error with no PCT (what was that in the late 80's early 90's). Learned alot and all further cycles contained test and arimidex daily while on and for a while after I came off. I never had any problem. Also I always ran 800-1000mg test weekly for a minimum of 12 weeks. some cycles lasted longer. The switch to cyp at the end always worked great too. I never had problems with the arimidex it actually made me feel great. Limited bloat and I didn't feel all lethargic from increased estrogen and water levels. No moon face either.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danny626
    AND is it necesarry to frontload the Eq?
    Necesarry NO....Fun YES. Also when you switch to the prop drop down to 100 or 200 mg a week. Trust me you'll want it until the test E wears off. and to answer the taper question, I never tapered down until I went on the cyp. I never taper up either . Start at max dose I always say.
    Last edited by Anibolism; 04-24-2007 at 06:06 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Anibolism
    If you have enough just run the test at 1000mg a week for around 12 weeks, take arimidex daily and for 6 weeks after coming off until natural production resumes. Also if your taking enthenate then switch for weeks 13-18 to test cyp which is a fast acting ester and let the enthenate work its way out of the body over those 5 weeks.that way you won't crash while it clears the system. Front load with the EQ or D-bal tabs if you want. Then switch to PC continuing the arimidex until everything is back to normal. You only get one first cycle. Don't be scared of it, hit it hard and keep training after your done to keep your gains. The bloat shouldn't be that bad w/ the arimidex after the initial week or two and you will grow like a f'n bull. just my $.02
    WOW, talk about some bad advice!! 1g of Test for a first cycle is too much, why would you recommend that? And Cypionate is not a short ester, it is a long ester with a half life longer than Enthanate.
    And are you recomending Arimidex only for PCT? Man, you should be giving out bad advice like this, especially to a first timer.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    south cali
    Ok Njord..what do u think about by initial Cycle..@ the top ..?

  24. #24
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    Every person always wishes that had done there first cycle better. Its the one you grow on the most. If I had it to do over again I would do this without a second thought. Do you really feel 600mg weekly is safer?? And on the PCT I recommended taking arimidex with his other stuff he had listed. I have been in this game for about 16 years. I'm not new to this, so this is simply my advice from MY experiences and what I would do diffrent if I had the chance. I will give you that the cyp was a mistake I meant to say prop. Its been awhile so I have to give the memory a kick start sometimes. I also looked it up here are the half=life charts for test.

    Steroid esters Drug Active half-life
    Formate 1.5 days
    Acetate 3 days
    Propionate 2 days
    Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
    Butyrate 6 days
    Valerate 7.5 days
    Hexanoate 9 days
    Caproate 9 days
    Isocaproate 9 days
    Heptanoate 10.5 days
    Enanthate 10.5 days
    Octanoate 12 days
    Cypionate 12 days
    Nonanoate 13.5 days
    Decanoate 15 days
    Undecanoate 16.5 days
    Last edited by Anibolism; 04-24-2007 at 06:15 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    south cali
    thanks anibolsm..appreciate that chart.

  26. #26
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    Excuse the brain fart. Njord was right about the Cyp. half-life, the prop. is the short lasting ester. Out of the system in two days. Whether you choose a high dose or low dose first cycle come off for at least 4 weeks with the prop. at 200mg a week split into bi-weekly shots.

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anibolism
    Excuse the brain fart. Njord was right about the Cyp. half-life, the prop. is the short lasting ester. Out of the system in two days. Whether you choose a high dose or low dose first cycle come off for at least 4 weeks with the prop. at 200mg a week split into bi-weekly shots.
    Yeah, 200mg prop a week, split biweekly...............

    prop should be shot every other day at least

  29. #29
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    Jan 2007
    Anibolism, I don't have the time and experience with steroids that you have. But, my recommedation is to stay with a single compound at moderate doses for the first cycle. As has been stated countless time before, this allows you to see how your body responds and you know for a fact where the side effects, if any, are coming from.
    A standard 500mg/week Test E cycle, will give you great results for a first cycle if your training and diet is spot on. There is always the next cycle to up the doses or add a compound.

  30. #30
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    Ok I see your post now so I'll change this. I see your point. But as stated before I wish I had started out a little more hard core than I did. Felt my first cycle was basically wasted. Then again information was not as prevalant as it is now a days.
    Last edited by Anibolism; 04-24-2007 at 06:29 PM.

  31. #31
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Anibolism
    Njord I'm calling you out on this one. You were right about the cyp. my mistake. But give me your opinion of why 1000mg is to much but 600mg is not. You can always taper down a dose if its too much on you. I'm not flaming you bro I just want to understand your logic behind it. I'm always up for new thought processes.
    Because 1000mg of test for a first cycle is NOT necessary and chances of side effects at that dosage is much greater than at 500mg. Look, if you think 1000mg of test for a first cycle is ok, then fine, your opinion. I think it is too much and uneccesary.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    south cali
    good info guys.thanks

  33. #33
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    Do some searches for members that have been here a long time, not 21 year olds, or maybe contact a mod and ask them for advice.
    Last edited by Anibolism; 04-24-2007 at 07:24 PM. Reason: changed my mind

  34. #34
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    You know what forget the high dosage. Run test only at 200mg a week for 16 weeks and then switch to the prop for four weeks, Take the arimidex daily and do your PCT. High dosages did help me to get BIG gains but low dosages are slow and steady gains you keep as long as you continue to train. High dosages may cause you to build up a tolerence early and your cycles get way expensive when that happens. I had to switch my thinking from experienced As users to beginners. My advice needs to be a little more user freindly and not so hard core for first timers. Save the EQ for next time and mix in the anavar weeks 8-16 at 30mg daily. Stop it when you switch to the prop. Enjoy Sorry but I felt the need to defend myself when someone calls out my advice as bad and I was't thinking about what was really best for the beginner cycle.

  35. #35
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Danny626
    LatinoPR-why wouldnt i want to run EQ now? i can try to run it for 12 weeks if necessary..i know the results are better at 12 weeks bc of the longer esther in the compound, but vascularity would be good, and if i get extremely hungry, i can eat the healthy food choices!? your first cycle,you should take one compound for now to see how your body react.Do a good pct to keep the gains,proper diet is a most.Yes,i personaly love EQ,if you want you can run it 600mg/week but remember,is your first cycle,you are going to have more time to cycle later and achive your goals.
    What i recomend is 500mg test enant with proper pct a week...remember aas are not a miracle drug,is a complement to your training program.


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    south cali
    Thanks for all of ur input

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