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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
    Bojangles69 is offline Banned
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    The most newbie question EVER

    Ok look my ass hurts this is my first cycle (test e) but my question is (and everyone should know i searched the shit out of the educational forums prior to this post)
    I read the thread about frontloading and "how long will it take for my gear to kick in"
    And if you go to that thread and reread it you'll notice the author DOES NOT explain why it take 4-5 weeks to kick in. He more or less just says it just does.
    Im a very inqusitive person by natue and need scientific explantions in order to under things. I read in the one fourm that right after an injection your test levels will increase significantly, so why does it take 4 weeks? I dont get it.

    I'm more or less looking for a scientific explanation of what happens in the first 4 weeks and what exactly causes the test to "activate". I've been doing a lot of reading belive it or not and noone seems to have described the biological progressions and what chemically occurs in the body before it kicks in. I just dont get it, can somone explain why or maybe they know of links I've passed idk but Im really curious about this.. thanks!!

  2. #2
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    The chemical structure of the specific ester that is chemically bound to a specific AAS compound is what dictates the rate at with the AAS compound will be released into the body.

    With enanthate , it is well known that this time of release can take up to 4-5 weeks. I've researched the scientific backing on this, but I don't have all the scientific data on hand that interprets all of this information you are looking is just a long time, well known fact, that the enanthate ester takes approximately that long to completely release the compound it is attached to...other esters will release a compound at different rates...

    Research esters and what the release times are of each specific esters that are out there...this should give you a better understanding of what and why the esterfication of specific AAS compounds is should have known this info before you started your cycle, but none the less, you've gone ahead like many do with their first cycle...

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    LmbrJak is offline Junior Member
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    Check out this thread lots of good info

  4. #4
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    thats why you would front load. Test begins releasing the day you inject, it is just time controlled d ependant upon which ester you have, if you frontload, more is released early on giving more active test in your blood

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    it also d epends on the person. im one of the luckys ones and i can start to feel test E after about 2wks. wk 2 is when i get horny as hell and i have bad azz lifts everytime. and by wk 3 my strength is noticable going up. but like i said, everyone is different. i think 4-5wks is just an avg.

  6. #6
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    u are real lucky. Ive done multiple test ent cycles and like clockwork mine doesnt start kicking in until week then i explode.

  7. #7
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah i guess im lucky.

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