I am in the process of placing my order for my next cycle and I need some really good advice! To make a long story short, my body does not require high dosages of anything for me to get good effects. Last year I did two 12 week cycls of 150mg/ew of test and 20mg/ed of Winny and people could tell I was taking steroids because I got pretty big (I went from 155lbs to 180lbs). Plus I got very few sides (if any at all) and it was CHEAP!!!
This time I really want to do something different but I am not sure what to run. I thought about doing a test only cycle for 12 weeks at 500mg/ew and stacking it with something like var or deca but I want to keep my doses low. As far as my stats go, I am 31yo, 165lbs, around 12% bf and my diet and workout is pretty good, not the best but I am consistent. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good cycle?