Well, I gotta ask this. Why when I or anyone posts a negative about a company does it get to stay posted vs when I then post a positive that said company has made changes and is really putting out a quality product does it get removed?
I posted yesterday that a certain company, One of the big 3 Fina Kit producers, had really improved there packaging and really was top notch. This was around 2 months or so after I had posted issues regarding the packaging of my last order.
I'm just curious, no flame, just wondering. I notice certain posts, like the Fina Kit shootout get to stay, whereas my simple post letting folks know that things are looking up for this company gets canned.
I'm just wondering what exactly are the guidelines for these things, yes I've read the rules. I was not source posting, this is not a source for ASS or anything else illegal. And even if this is still considered a "source" then why oh why is there not some more consistancy among what stays and what gets trashed.
Also, I could understand if I was a brand new user, no posts, no one knew me that I might be seen as "shimming the bid" so to speak. But that just is not the case. As I said in the last post, I bitched about them when I was upset and I was giving them props for having vastly improved their kits and packaging. I don't have any affiliation with them or anyone else, as was stated.
As I said, no flame, just curious...