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  1. #1
    ShadetreeJones is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Sustanon 250 and Anavar

    Not looking to get giant or have my skin look like saran wrap. Just want to put on 10-12 lbs. of lean over 12 weeks and lower the bodyfat %.

    This will be my first cycle and I kind of want to ease into the deal. Should I have a pct on hand? I'm only going to be doing one amp of Sus every 7-10 days.

    Anything else anyone would recommend stacking? I would be looking to do something mild if anything like Deca or Primo.

    I apologize for my lack of knowledge and appreciate anyone's input.

  2. #2
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadetreeJones
    Not looking to get giant or have my skin look like saran wrap. Just want to put on 10-12 lbs. of lean over 12 weeks and lower the bodyfat %.

    This will be my first cycle and I kind of want to ease into the deal. Should I have a pct on hand? I'm only going to be doing one amp of Sus every 7-10 days.

    Anything else anyone would recommend stacking? I would be looking to do something mild if anything like Deca or Primo.

    I apologize for my lack of knowledge and appreciate anyone's input.
    There are many pages of information you can read to turn that ignorance into knowledge.

    What are your stats so that we can help you better?
    Age Height Weight Bodyfat % Cycle Experience Training Experience Goals Diet

  3. #3
    ShadetreeJones is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007
    Sorry dude, I'm a novice at this.
    6' 200, never cycled before, 33 have been lifting for 10 years. Diet has too much beer in it but I can be super disciplined and structured when I start the gear.

    Like I said I won't be going crazy with this, just looking to round off the shoulders, deepen the chest a little, and shrink the waist line.

  4. #4
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    Personally i would recommend a single ester test as a first cycle like cypionate or ethanate. I only use hg product for test, but if you already have the sustanon , most ppl run their first cycles 10-12 wks long without anything but the test. I would save the var for another cycle. You run sust e3d (every third day) or just do an inject twice a wk, like Mon/Thurs. Some ppl run it alot more often then they really need to because sustanon really is a sustained release ester even tho it has shorter life esters in it. I would have nolva on hand and make sure you have your pct items ready after cycle. Reason you run only one ester at a time is because you will know how your body reacts to it alone, then later add one ester or particular aas at a time, so you know how you react to each one. Example my first was test cypionate, then i ran ethanate with bold, then test with deca , then test deca and dbol . Find out first about each individual ester and how to use them from doing searches in particular, the aas profiles and how to do proper pct. I looked at many boards and topics like this b4 running anything.

  5. #5
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadetreeJones
    Sorry dude, I'm a novice at this.
    6' 200, never cycled before, 33 have been lifting for 10 years. Diet has too much beer in it but I can be super disciplined and structured when I start the gear.

    Like I said I won't be going crazy with this, just looking to round off the shoulders, deepen the chest a little, and shrink the waist line.
    Well, you should take a single estered Test such as Cypionate or Enanthate , but i'm guessing you already have the Sust. You should take the Sust EOD to avoid sides with the short esters. The dosage is up to you, but I wouldn't recommend going over 500mg per week.

    Also, I would not recommend taking any type of AAS until you are fully dedicated. Diet needs to be in order and not consist of mainly beer.

    And yes, you should definitely have your PCT on hand.

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