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Thread: What would you do next ???

  1. #1

    What would you do next ???

    Hey fella's, just looking for a little direction. I guess it would be helpful to give a little back ground info. I am 23yrs old, currently at 225lbs @8%bf, 5"11". I have been running omnadren for about 3.5 months now. I am wanted to do some type of bridge. The goal is to obtain as much strength and size as possible. What would you suggest? I have access to just about anything, just in case you were curious. In the meantime I will get busy with some searches on this. Thanks fella's.....................

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    to be honest i don't know a lot about bridging, but i dont know if obtaining size and strength is that feasible by doing this. you can maintain what size and strength you have until the next cycle by bridging, but as far as adding, i dont know if thats possible. my recommendation would be anavar in low to moderate dose. its a great strength drug, and its low toxicity is great for a bridge.
    im sure you'll get more info than what i posted here, but this is just something to get you started.

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The most popular bridge now a days seems to be 10 mg of dbol taken in the morning. It is minimal suppression which should allow for recovery and still keep one from losing their gains.

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