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Thread: Test/deca/dbol cycle help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Question Test/deca/dbol cycle help

    This is the cycle I am putting together. Let me know what you guys think. Stats of myself are 198 12-13% bodyfat, been working out for well over 12 years. Looking to gain strengh/mass maybe about 15 lbs of quality muscle.

    Week 1: Testivoron 250, Deca 200, Dbol 20mgED
    Week 2: Testivoron 250, Deca 200, Dbol 20mgED, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 3: Testivoron 500, Deca 400, Dbol 20mgED, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 4: Testivoron 500, Deca 400, Dbol 20mgED, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 5: Testivoron 500, Deca 400, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 6: Testivoron 500, Deca 400, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 7: Testivoron 250, Deca 200, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED
    Week 8: Testivoron 250, Deca 200, Prov/Nov 50/10 ED

    Week10: Clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg 10 days, 50mg 10 days

    The reason I am using the Proviron and Novaldex combination is to block out estrogen and reduce bloating from the Dbol and Test. Will this work?? I looked into arimidex, but the cost was too high.

    Let me know what you guys think, or do I even need to leave the dbol out to obtain my results and just stick with Test and Deca, I was looking to use the Dbol to kick start the cycle??

  2. #2
    1.Up the d bol to 30 mg ed
    2.Keep the test at 500 mg and the deca at 400 mg all the way through, tapering is a waste
    3.Start clomid 3 weeks after your last shot, not 2
    4.I'd go with arimidex
    good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yeah what Pump said.

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