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Thread: Need Some advice from seniors

  1. #1

    Need Some advice from seniors

    I am currently 5'11 170 lbs 4 percent body fat
    at start of cycle 155.9lbs
    This is my first cycle and this is what i have run
    weeks 1-6 400 mg(2cc) EQ. week 7, 300 mg EQ Week 8 200 mg EQ
    On my 4th week of EQ i started using Enanthate
    Week 4-6 500 mg(2cc) Week 7and 8 1 1/2 cc and week 9, 1cc
    shots are given twice a week, monday and thursday I work out 6 days a week
    I am currently in week 7 of my cycle and have experienced puffyness and soreness in my left nipple. Theres no itching and my left nipple has always been a little bigger then the right. Is this a sign of gyno or does the Test cause the nipple to puff up a bit. I don't have any anti-e blockers because i was told by a lot of people that since i was running the test for only 6 weeks this was unnecessary. I've only got three weeks left what should i do. Is this Gyno or am i just worrying too much. My workout partner said the nipple is will puff up a bit but he's got a case of bitch titties himself and i don't want any part of that. Please Help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    if you can...get some nolva...then some clomid for the end

    also liquidex or armidex will help with puffiness

    about the not certain but you could just be paranoid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    sounds like the start bro espically the soreness
    do like symatech said on anti e

  4. #4
    Well i already got my clomid for post cycle but the nolv is hard for me to get my hands on. Is it normal for the nipple to get a little sore and swollen during cycle or is this a start of gyno. I don't want to take any chances its just i don't know if i can get the nolv fast enough since i only got 3 weeks left. I stopped touching it so much and it doesn't seem to be quite as sore...just still swollen. Will the clomid therapy help this or should i try everything i can to get the nolv.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You should have had nolva on hand. You need to find some to be safe. Are you really at 4%BF or is that just a guess?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    4% bodyfat? Are you sure? That sounds really low unless you are competing in three weeks. How did you measure it?

  7. #7
    It may not be exact but it's fairly close to that my bodyfat has always been really low. i wrestled in high school at about 125 lbs and and started Lifting heavy once i reached college. i obviously bulked up a lot since then but it's always been hard for me to gain weight...most likely due to my metabolism therefore my bodyfat has always been low. I work at a gym and my boss has a body fat tester..some stupid machine but its fairly accurate. So like i said i may not be exactly 4% maybe a little higher but its around there. But back to My they normally get sore? I was told that they will puff up a bit due to the increase in test....kinda like when you hit puberty and your nips were a little swollen. Is this true?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Always have an anti-e on hand before starting ANY cycle. Get some. It may not be gyno but why would you want to take that chance ?

  9. #9
    I read that taking nolv if you don't have gyno can actually cause it. Is this true? I contacted my man and i'm trying to get it ASAP but how should i take it..Immediately (throughout the remainder of the cycle) or at the end of the cycle? 10gm or 20 mg? I read the drug profile but i really didn't understand how it can have a rebound effect when intake is stopped? Any input?
    Last edited by Biggins; 08-14-2002 at 02:00 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    take 40mg then work down to 10 mg when it subsides and ur nip seems normal again, no nolva cannot cause gyno


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