So guys im curious what was your very first cycle, what were your keepable gains from it and how old were you??
So guys im curious what was your very first cycle, what were your keepable gains from it and how old were you??
Sust 250 @500mg's Weeks 1-12
Fina 75mg/ed Weeks 1-6
Fina 150mg/ed Weeks 7-14
Winny 75mg/ed Weeks 7-14
Droped around 50lbs of fat and BF went from ~30% to 14%. I'd say a good bit of LBM was aquired considering the restricted diet and cardio being done.
Liver and Kidney values were tested and were at the high end of the NORMAL range. Only thing taken was ALA @ 300mg's ED during Winny.
my first really good gain is when I used
t-200 4cc 1-10
eq 400mg 1-10
and a very hard diet
put on 22lbs and got my first strech marks{thanx 4 plates for the info}
ICN Galenika @500mg/wk for 10wks.
Gained 35lbs and kept 27.
How were those ICN's? I hear they are BOMB ass
Just a question.....fullcontact t-200 at 4-ccs dose this mean you took in 800mgs a week??
1st cycle was June 2001...34yrs old...weeks 1-10 deca @ 400mg/week, weeks 3-8 winstrol depot @ 50mg/EOD. Gained 22lbs, kept 18-19lbs (thanks to clomid)
26 years old...
200mg Deca for 10 weeks
20mg D-bol for 4 weeks
Gained 34lbs... kept 27lbs
20yrs old.... deca only (i know) gained 20 kept 15
I was 18 yrs. old. did deca only 400mgs/wk for 10 weeks. gained 39 lbs, kept 34, but my body fat went up a bit. id say i kept about 25 lbs of lean mass.
First cycle at 26 yrs old.
d-bol 25mg ed for 4 wks
t-200- 400 mg for 10 wks
I gained 28 pounds and kept about 18.
first cycle at 19.
dbol 30mg/edwk1-4
test 400mg/wk1-7
winny 50mg/ed wk5-10
gained 18lbs kept 16(clomid also)
thanks guys... well im about to start my first in a couple weeks and it looks like this...
Spectro EQ 400mg/week weeks 1- 10
** winny tabs 50mg/ED weeks 8 - 13
ill let you guys know how it goes. Im so damn excited and pumped.
one bottle of ttokkyo deca,,,,,9 weeks,,10 clean pounds 21 y/o
Okay, i cant wait till i am done to post so I will post now damnit.
20 years old
30mgDbol 1-4
**sus300 @600mg a week 1-12
I am starting my fourth week and i am up 20 good pounds. No sides, yet. Knock on wood.
wow tank sweet shit keep it up, and get HUGE!!!
{Just a question.....fullcontact t-200 at 4-ccs dose this mean you took in 800mgs a week??}
yes that's right But that ain't shit one cycle I tried 10cc of d-ball,1400mgs of test and 1000mg deca per week.
It was all good for adout 2 weeks Than I think I had a migrain for a week I thought my brain was swelling. got good pumps. I have no Idea what I was thinking just wanted to see what would happen.Call me a retaried if u will.
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