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Thread: A little help on a stack

  1. #1

    Smile A little help on a stack

    Hi, I need a little help on my first stack. I am limited only because the fact that this is the only stuff available to me.. I can get my hands on Primo, EQ, Sust, Test Cyp, and Dbol, and all that other anti-E stuff.

    I was thinking something along the lines of

    Weeks 1-10
    400 mg EQ
    Weeks 1-9
    250 mg Sust
    Weeks 1-4

    I was gonna take some clen to keep my gains or what not, and clomid 3 weeks after my last EQ shot..

    Please help me..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    WPB, FL
    dont waste time and money on 250mgs/wk of sus, do 500mgs, 2 shots per wk. Everything else looks good.

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