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Thread: teserona 200 qv

  1. #1

    Question teserona 200 qv

    I am 18 years old and about a week ago started taking a cycle of test 200 qv, i would like to kno if qv is a good brand, and if test is good for me to start with. ive already gained 10 pounds, and am happy but would just like to check, also is there anything i should have prepared to take when i get off to stop side affects, what would be the results of me taking creatine after my cycle, and what would be a good dosage per week/days??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    glad u got here.

    qv is an awesome brand, and ur up 10 what do u think bro?

    go to FAQ forum, you need clomid and nolvadex, how much qv are u taking a week.

    i keep going back and reading your post over, do a search on 'enanthate' 't200' 'nolvadex' and 'clomid'

    try to prepare better next time, u r gonna hurt yourself..are u taking proper precations before injecting ie: swabbing vial, injection spot, aspiration, going deep enough into the muscle tissue, where are u shooting?

    throw me a frickin bone here.

  3. #3
    Let me give you some advice about this board.... Everyone here doesn't mind giving advice and helpin bros out, but when people can't be bothered to do some research before posting it's another story..

    Members here are cool, but you gotta do your own legwork first if you want meaningful responses on advice....

  4. #4
    for the begining i was told to take like 250 mg every 4 days, and after the first 3 shots (im already on my third shot, took it today) to then start waiting like 6 days, and then longer and longer, untill the end, as a way to get myself off of it, yah im taking proper percautions, using alchole on the place im putin the needle in, then another swab after, using new disposable needles every time, etc. ive been shoting into my ass, top left or top right 4th depending on cheek, i didnt just shoot the stuff in me without talking to a few people about where the needle was supposed to go. i have heard from some freinds that you see better results if it is into a muscle, but that it hurts like a bitch and that you gota kno how to do it, it that what i should be doin? thank you for your time, i was supprised to see a response so fast

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well I am going to jump in before this post turns ugly. I am very glad you found this board as well. It doesn't sound like the guys you are talking to know a whole lot. There is no reason to taper your cycle. Since your HPTA function will be shut down regardless it really doesn't help. You need to have clomid for post cycle and read how to use it. You need to have Nolvadex on hand to combat gyno. By the way all steroid shots are intramuscular. Spend some time on here reading. Use the search function before asking a question. We all want to help but you do need to help yourself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    you should have a set amount of juice per week, if you have already gained 10 lbs, i would say 250mg a week is good for you. Break that up into two shots a week monday/thursday for example. That keeps your blood levels constant. Try to get some novladex to take in case of any signs of gyno, you may not experience this at all, but it is better safe...GET CLOMID for post cycle. How much test do you have? You should run it for 8 weeks, but I have friends that run it for 6 weeks and see good results also. Search and find out how to run the clomid. If you have t200 alot of guys will tell you to run it 400mg a week, thats a cc mon/thur, but if you are seeing good results off what you are doing now I say go with it, just break it up.

  7. #7
    aright thank you for the replys, i got 10 ml of test, how much does the clomid normaly go for? im deffinatly gona start takin about 250-200 a week from now on, its really worth breakin up to twice a week? (the needles are hard for me to get), if it is then i will get em. Lastly if i do break it up, should i still be shooting it in my ass muscle or should i be going into other muscles. thank you for the advice

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