I had decided to use drol as a kick starter for my next cycle and I am trying to learn as much as I can about it. Here's my question/confusion. Anadrol, from people I know that use it, causes gyno and water retention. WHY? Anadrol is a DHT and can NOT aromatize and it is NOT a progestin so how in the world is it causing gyno and water retention? This throws a wrench into everything I know(or thought I knew) when it comes to estrogenic side effects of aas. In fact, on the face of it I would say use a DHT to bind up the aromatase enzyme and free up your testosterone and get less estrogenic sides but for some reason I can't figure out, this is not true for A-bombs???
Anyone with info/thoughts/comments please fill me in. I am either going to pass on using A-50s(again) or post-pone my cycle till I figure it out.