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Thread: Anadrol question/confusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Question Anadrol question/confusion

    I had decided to use drol as a kick starter for my next cycle and I am trying to learn as much as I can about it. Here's my question/confusion. Anadrol, from people I know that use it, causes gyno and water retention. WHY? Anadrol is a DHT and can NOT aromatize and it is NOT a progestin so how in the world is it causing gyno and water retention? This throws a wrench into everything I know(or thought I knew) when it comes to estrogenic side effects of aas. In fact, on the face of it I would say use a DHT to bind up the aromatase enzyme and free up your testosterone and get less estrogenic sides but for some reason I can't figure out, this is not true for A-bombs???

    Anyone with info/thoughts/comments please fill me in. I am either going to pass on using A-50s(again) or post-pone my cycle till I figure it out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Oh yeah! which anti-e would work with adrol?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Can anyone answer this, please, do AIs work on decreasing estrogenic sides for anadrol?

    or do you need a SERM to combat anadrol sides?

    This question is best answered by someone that has done an anadrol only cycle. It would tell me if oxymetholone itself is acting like a estrogen and binding to the ERs or if it's possibly being converted to estrogen by aromitization. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  4. #4
    I don't know. Nobody knows. It doesn't aromatize (is structurally incapable), and has actually been shown to lower progesterone in some cases...

    I just can't figure it out. I don't know why it can or can't cause gyno or whatever...I know people who have stopped using it and got gyno (probably because it was inhibiting progesterone while they were on it)...and I know people who claim it gave them gyno.

    I hate not knowing an answer like this...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Thank you for your response! This actually kept me up last night, all night. I don't like when things don't make sense either. The facts are, like you stated, it can not aromatize and it is not a progestin BUT it does cause the estrogenic sides which to me means it must be acting like an estrogen itself. I read one theory that the A-ring in the drol structure is similar to that of the A-ring of estradiol which allows it to bind to the ERs. This with the fact that A50s do not bind or have very weak binding to the ARs leaves me with the impression that the gains you get off this compound are mostly estrogen related gains???

    So, taking AIs to fight the sides is worthless and taking a SERM to combat anadrol sides would simply be self-defeating because the gains are estrogen related and the SERMs would simply be competing with the oxymetholone for binding to the ERs.

    I have beed intoxicated by the stories of friends that have used this compound and the massive gains made with Abombs and have long debated using it but have not because of the side effects associated with this compound. I want to know what I am getting into before I make the leap.

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