Hey everyone I'm going to start a bulking cycle around the middle of October. The cycle consists of 500 mgs a week of Test Enanthate, 300 mgs a week of Deca, and 35 mgs everyday of Dbol. I'm going to run the Test and Deca for 10-12 weeks and the Dbol for first 4 weeks. So my question is what anti's besides Nolvadex should I run with this cycle. And how should I run the Nolvadex and at what dosages cause I never needed it before with any of my other cycles. Also with Clomid, I used it with my other two cycles like this, one week after last shot I took 1 tab twice a day for 7 days, and the next week 1 tab once a day for 7 days. Do you think thats a fine way to run it with this cycle? One other quick question, I did a pyramid taper with my other cycles, does anyone think I should taper this cycle or just run it the same dosages every week cause some people say you have to taper and others say there is really no point in tapering, just wondering? All input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.