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Thread: Test/Deca/Dbol Anti's???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Question Test/Deca/Dbol Anti's???

    Hey everyone I'm going to start a bulking cycle around the middle of October. The cycle consists of 500 mgs a week of Test Enanthate, 300 mgs a week of Deca, and 35 mgs everyday of Dbol. I'm going to run the Test and Deca for 10-12 weeks and the Dbol for first 4 weeks. So my question is what anti's besides Nolvadex should I run with this cycle. And how should I run the Nolvadex and at what dosages cause I never needed it before with any of my other cycles. Also with Clomid, I used it with my other two cycles like this, one week after last shot I took 1 tab twice a day for 7 days, and the next week 1 tab once a day for 7 days. Do you think thats a fine way to run it with this cycle? One other quick question, I did a pyramid taper with my other cycles, does anyone think I should taper this cycle or just run it the same dosages every week cause some people say you have to taper and others say there is really no point in tapering, just wondering? All input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    dont need to taper, some do, some dont, most dont.

    if youve never had G problems before...just have nolvadex on hand in case. 50--20mg tabs or 100--10mg tabs

    u can do clomid like that... most people run it...

    6 tabs day 1
    2 tabs day 2-10
    1 tab day 11-21

    its cheap, and it always works this it the way u feel comfortable tho.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Getting ready to run the about the same cycle myself in sept. dbol 20mg a day 1-4 sus 1-10 500 mg week and deca 1-10 400 mg week. Clomid treatment just as papa said. Good luck looks good.

  4. #4
    cycle looks good bro if your worried about estrogen bloat you can use armidex or liquidex through out your cycle but if your worried about gyno,just have noveldex on hand,dont use it unless you see symptoms(itchy,burning,or a lump forming under you nipples)

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Extreme
    Getting ready to run the about the same cycle myself in sept. dbol 20mg a day 1-4 sus 1-10 500 mg week and deca 1-10 400 mg week. Clomid treatment just as papa said. Good luck looks good.
    i think 20 mg ed is too low,its good for a bridge but i dont think you will see much from it.try 35-40 , i think you will be happier

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ok, thanks guys. Well if I have to use the Nolvadex, how would I run it, I mean like how many a day would I take. And PaPaPump, with the Clomid, is day one, the day right after my last shot or do you mean day one as the first day of a week after my last shot. Anyway thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Living Large
    I am on a simular cycle now
    Test 500mg weeks 1-12
    Deca 400mg weeks 1-12
    Dbol 50mg weeks 1-4

    Im on week 9 now and gained about 20 pounds ... Ive been running arimidex .25mg ed .. just cause ive been prone to gyno and didnt want to get bloated .. so far so good ... just remember if you are bulking eat a ton bro ... eat intill you wanna puke then throw down a protein shake ... if you are a hardgainer like me then there will be plenty of time to cut after cycle .. now is your time to grow .. goodluck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Hey 5minsforfighting, just wondering how much did you spend on that entire cycle cause I've the Dbol, I just gotta get the Deca and Enanthate, I've been trying to get the best with Enanthate(specifically the ICN's) and have been getting different prices. And what Deca would you recommend as the best? Anyway just wanted to know if the whole cycle ran you over a G or under? Thanks.

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