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  1. #1
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    stopped gaining after 5th week of sustanon?

    I'm 6'1 198

    My first four to five weeks on sustanon were amazing I gained 15 pounds of muscle (183-->198), then all the sudden I stopped gaining weight. I'm pretty sure my muscles look more defined and bigger but I stopped gaining and maybe even lost a couple of pounds. I have a very low body fat percentage, like .. none. I was wondering if this might because I'm eating a completely clean diet? I still eat a ton of food.

    I also started taking arimidex around the time I stopped gaining, could this be the problem? I'm on dutasturide I know that can hinder gains but I've been on it throughout the cycle.

    I just took my second shot in my 7th week today.
    Last edited by gooer; 05-02-2007 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    I'm on 500 mg a week btw, I also feel my intensity in the gym going up. I was only going to run this cycle 10 weeks, but I was considering either:

    stopping sooner because I've reaching my potential for this cycle

    extending it to 15 weeks because I really wanted to gain 25 pounds on this cycle and maybe end up around where I am now after pct.

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    it's hard to tell, did you frontload or have you been doing 500mg/wk since the first week you started? Are you doing a human grade form of sustanon like Karachi's, Niles, Iranian's .....etc? or are you doing a UGL version?

    In any case, 15lbs in 4 - 5 weeks should tell you that you are probably using something that has a good amount of hormone in it and i would suggest you stick with it, keep training hard and keep eating/resting properly and see how you do your 7th, 8th and 9th weeks. If you stop gaining then maybe you should ditch the cycle and start your PCT. Then your next cycle use a respectable lab's Test E or C for a base and stay away from "sustanon" in any form.

    My $.02

  4. #4
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    u gained mostly water not muscle.
    Keep lifting.

  5. #5
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    I'm 6'1 198

    My first four to five weeks on sustanon were amazing I gained 15 pounds of muscle (183-->198), then all the sudden I stopped gaining weight. I'm pretty sure my muscles look more defined and bigger but I stopped gaining and maybe even lost a couple of pounds. I have a very low body fat percentage, like .. none. I was wondering if this might because I'm eating a completely clean diet? I still eat a ton of food.

    I also started taking arimidex around the time I stopped gaining, could this be the problem? I'm on dutasturide I know that can hinder gains but I've been on it throughout the cycle.

    I just took my second shot in my 7th week today.
    Sorry bro but you did not gain 15 lbs of muscle, its a mixture of muscle, water, and fat.

    A suggestion would be to look a little closer at your diet and make the necessary changes in order to keep gaining.

    Keep in mind your body gets used to calorie intakes, if someone is taking in 3000 cals a day sure he will gain the first couple weeks, but as he progresses, his body will need more food or cals in order to grow.

  6. #6
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    ah okay guys, what makes you say I gained water? I'm taking .5 arimidex a day and I thought that cut out water gains?

    The sus is organon btw.

  7. #7
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    It cuts it out to a certain degree, but you will still experience water ret to a degree.

    Also 15lbs of muscle mass is impossible to gain in 4 weeks time bro, just think about it. Pure muscle mass in 4 weeks, and were talking 15lbs of it.

    Mixture of muscle, water, and fat.

  8. #8
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    if you say so, subzero, but between the 500 mg of test, spending 3 hours in the gym a day doing a superset workout and eating 5000 calories a day I think it's possible to gain 15 pounds of just muscle in 4-5 weeks. also there's no fat in it because as i said i ahve a very low bf percentage, defined visible 6 pack etc.

    regardless. i'm going to start stuffing my face like crazy and beating the shit out of my body in the gym, i need to try to start gaining again for these last 2.5 weeks.

  9. #9
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    if you say so, subzero, but between the 500 mg of test, spending 3 hours in the gym a day doing a superset workout and eating 5000 calories a day I think it's possible to gain 15 pounds of just muscle in 4-5 weeks. also there's no fat in it because as i said i ahve a very low bf percentage, defined visible 6 pack etc.

    regardless. i'm going to start stuffing my face like crazy and beating the shit out of my body in the gym, i need to try to start gaining again for these last 2.5 weeks.
    This is one aspect you should be aware of bro, you can overtrain your body even though you are running AAS.

    Hitting the gym for 3 hours at a time is just asking for overtraining to occure, and once this happens well gains will come to a screeching halt and you might even lose a couple lbs.

    Optimize your workouts, by choosing 3-4 lifts for each body part per workout session, and rotate and change the lifts you perform week by week, keep the workout between 45 min to an hr max. And allow enough time for your muscles trained to recover, this process could take up to 7-10 days.

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    The sus is organon btw.
    What version....the karachis are clear amps with yellow writing, Niles are clear with green writing....all made by the same company but in different places and also different levels of risk of fakes..

  11. #11
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    What version....the karachis are clear amps with yellow writing, Niles are clear with green writing....all made by the same company but in different places and also different levels of risk of fakes..
    karachi, clear with yellow

    what are the chances of fakes with that

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    ah okay guys, what makes you say I gained water? I'm taking .5 arimidex a day and I thought that cut out water gains?

    The sus is organon btw.

    because it takes years not weeks to sculpt a nice body even with steroids .
    I do not know what your prior training history is..

    but the difference between you now, and you 5 weeks ago is ... now your muscles are starting to become anabolic and are going to start to grow over a period of time... Key word STARTING.. u might look and feel a lot bigger/heavier, but in reality you are not much different than before cycle... also in the mix there is a lot of water, kinda like creatine etc..

    When u get of the cycle you are going to lose 10lbs very fast also.. that is the water.. it comes and it goes.. and there is nothing wrong with it. It helps with stretching of the fascia and etc..

    Last edited by Pooks; 05-02-2007 at 10:14 PM.

  13. #13
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    This is one aspect you should be aware of bro, you can overtrain your body even though you are running AAS.

    Hitting the gym for 3 hours at a time is just asking for overtraining to occure, and once this happens well gains will come to a screeching halt and you might even lose a couple lbs.

    Optimize your workouts, by choosing 3-4 lifts for each body part per workout session, and rotate and change the lifts you perform week by week, keep the workout between 45 min to an hr max. And allow enough time for your muscles trained to recover, this process could take up to 7-10 days.
    yeah you're probably right. that was one thing i was worried about. in mind i just can't grasp the concept of overtraining haha, i see every exercise as a chance to get bigger. also my training partners are absolutely crazy. thanks bro

  14. #14
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    because it takes years not weeks to sculpt a nice body even with steroids .
    I do not know what your prior training history is..

    but the difference between you now, and you 5 weeks ago is ... now your muscles are starting to become anabolic and are going to start to grow over a period of time... Key word STARTING.. u might look and feel a lot bigger/heavier, but in reality you are not much different than before cycle... also in the mix there is a lot of water, kinda like creatine etc..

    When u get of the cycle you are going to lose 10lbs very fast also.. that is the water.. it comes and it goes.. and there is nothing wrong with it. It helps with stretching of the fascia and etc..

    Always worked out occasionally never really hard, then I stopped all together had a really rough year got ultra skinny like 140 pounds at one point. That was about 2 years ago, I started training hard and gradually harder and harder and worked my way up to 183, at which point I took the sus, gained the 15 pounds and I'm here at 198. Sucks I'm gonna lose like 10 pounds thought I was in the clear because of the liquidex.

    I'm gonna keep training after my cycle I was just hoping to add some decent mass I could keep, kind of a bummer. I also heard it was harder to put on weight after you've done a cycle?

  15. #15
    SUB-ZERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    yeah you're probably right. that was one thing i was worried about. in mind i just can't grasp the concept of overtraining haha, i see every exercise as a chance to get bigger. also my training partners are absolutely crazy. thanks bro
    No problem man, i would go into more detail with you on workouts and training methods, but i cant pm as of yet.

    Ill hit you up when i can.

  16. #16
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooer
    Always worked out occasionally never really hard, then I stopped all together had a really rough year got ultra skinny like 140 pounds at one point. That was about 2 years ago, I started training hard and gradually harder and harder and worked my way up to 183, at which point I took the sus, gained the 15 pounds and I'm here at 198. Sucks I'm gonna lose like 10 pounds thought I was in the clear because of the liquidex.

    I'm gonna keep training after my cycle I was just hoping to add some decent mass I could keep, kind of a bummer. I also heard it was harder to put on weight after you've done a cycle?
    You're on the right path bro, u've worked your way to where you are today.
    Honesty while on the AAS I personally do not believe in overtraining, because I've held some nightmarish jobs that pretty much would equal being at the gym for 8 hours... during working crappy jobs, I've only grown through constant and dedicated workout routines. Taking time off is taking steps backward not forward.

    Keep training during your cycle, don't do 3 hours a day though, just an hour is good enough.
    Sometimes when on a cycle u'll become lethargic but its important to go to the gym, cause once u start lifting u just feel awesome.

    Run your cycle for your 10-12 weeks, after the cycle ends do your PCT.
    the first week after the cycle is over some people take week off from the gym, but after that it is crucial to get back to the gym and be as intensive as u were on the cycle....
    With a good PCT you'll recover fairly quickly and you will have put on a good amount of muscle.

    MUSCLE has to be MAINTAINED.
    Only by working out do u keep your muscle, if you slack off, you will lose it.
    some people do another cycle try and others continue naturally.

    It is false that is harder to put on muscle after a cycle. That has no merit to it. What happens is people get lazy and stop working out. Or do not keep up their calorie intake at the proper level.

  17. #17
    THE JU-ICE is offline Associate Member
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    Is this your first cycle?

  18. #18
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont know who you're talking to but this is my 5th.. my first was in 2001

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