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Thread: Simple 1st cycle that is cost effective

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM

    Simple 1st cycle that is cost effective

    Hi, I am looking to get myself a cost effective cycle. Im 6' 208-212 with good athletic muscle mass. I have never juiced before, but I feel that I have good genetics and I could go a long way on juice. I have a 46 inch chest, 16 1/2 inch arms, the only bad part is the 35 inch waist. I am trying to pack on gains that I can keep for more than 2 months after the cycle. I was thinking of this one:
    week 1-4 20-25 mg DBOL with 250 mg sust inj
    week 4-8 500 mg sust inj
    week 8 start clomid therapy
    have some nolva on hand just incase my body doesnt react well to dbol

    What do you guys think of this as a starter cycle for a guy of my size. And what other alternatives do you suggest. And if I subbed A-bombs in for Dbol, would I beable to go out to bars and drink at all? My price range here is about 300-400$ I am in college and I am broke.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    To save some money, go with T200 instead of Sust. But I guess that depends on your supplier. Run it for 10 weeks at 400mg/week. Yes, you can jump start your cycle with the dbol. then in week 13, start your clomid theropy. I would also throw in either Deca or EQ. Just my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Stick with dbol as it is much less harsh on your liver than anadrol and you will see just as good gains using dbol. Anadrol and dbol are both 17AA so I wouldn't recommend drinking at all as it is undue stress on your liver. Also, alchohol is catabolic and dehydrates you, it just does not fit in with cycling and training. I know you're in school and drinking is a big part of the social activity. Just use your head and if you MUST drink, please do so in me!! As far as the cycle you have outlined, it looks pretty decent. I would add deca if you had the $$$ but even without the deca you should make some nice gains provided training and diet are spot on. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You go Pete! You are always there to fill in the missing pieces that everyone seems to leave out... including me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM
    Ok, so if you compared t200 and sust in uh keeping your gains. Lets say the person does a pretty good job of attempting to keep loss to a minimum after his cycle is over. Of course that would mean clomid therapy after the cycle and maybe some HCG provided I came across some money Would T200 have more keepable gains or would sustanon?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The same... I find that Test Enanthate is easier to maintain consistant test levels with over Sustanon. Not to say Sust isn't any good... It just takes more frequent injections. But you will see good gains from both. As far as keeping your gains, that really depends on you. Your post cycle nutrition, workouts, and rest.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well, personally I agree with "No Limits" and I prefer the single ester tests over sust. Sust is a blend of 4 differen't test, one being prop. The prop is there for a kick start as it is esterless and has no hlaf life. The problem however is that 250mg of sust only conatins 60mg of prop. If you are shooting sust 2x per week then you are only getting 120mg of prop and that is not enough to make a difference as far as kick starting your cycle. With T200 2x per week you won't see the effects from the test for a couple of weeks but you already have dbol which is immediate. That being said, you will still definately see gains from sust, Ijust prefer T200 in this instance. Good luck bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Personnally i liked test enth better for the mass and strength it was great... however sust didn't make me hold as much water..which isn't a big deal to me anyway. I think they're both great.. but if it's price go with T-200 cause depending on your source it can be pricey.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Hey bro, if you're as broke as I think, you may want to save up for a few more weeks because one thing I noticed since I started my cycle is my grocery bill is double what it used to be plus you probably want a few big bottles of protein powder and other supplements. It adds up. If your diet doesn't change and you take AS you probably wont get much in gains.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    if you are on a budget get the veterinarian stuff and go for 20 or 50 ml bottles as they are much cheaper than 1cc shots or 10 ml bottles
    also dont get to cute with a lot of diff steroids just take testosterone first few cycles cuz you need to grow and test will make you grow plus its very affordable.out of all test esters if i was you i would start with some prop

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by Pete235
    Well, personally I agree with "No Limits" and I prefer the single ester tests over sust. Sust is a blend of 4 differen't test, one being prop. The prop is there for a kick start as it is esterless and has no hlaf life.
    Test prop is esterless?! I was under the impression that it was and all drugs have half lives don't they as this is just when the drug has half-left in your system. Or am I mistaken?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the GYM

    I got plenty of food

    Im not super broke, like any real essentials im good on. I am a rich boy, I just dont have the money to throw around right now. Food isnt a problem for me, I have alot laying around the house, tons of steaks and chicken. I am already preparing for this cycle even before I get it by eating lots atm. I am getting used to eating a ton, yeah my gut is expanding even if I do cardio, but whatever im sure the roids will slice that bodyfat off. Anyway yeah, Im prolly gonna do some winny in my 2nd cycle, since I already am about 206-212, so if i gain to 220-230 im gonna wanna rip it up. Going from 184 to 212 had its price, the price being love handles and a gut I have to hold in. However, Im only soft in the middle, everything else is rock solid. Im just making sure I do this right, I never wanna end up looking like shit. I have many friends who have just been amature chemists with their juice at a young age like 17/18 and now are smaller than me. A friend of mine was 6' 240 and now hes about 180. I saw him a few weeks ago after not seeing him, im like what the fuck mike is that you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    if you were under the impresion that test prop was esterless then what is the propionate?only the pills and water based steroids are half lives
    everything else is regular with the differences in their short esters or long esters for instant acetate,propinate etc short ester cyp,enth,decanoate,long ester

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