Done some research, asked some questions, and decided my first cycle to be:
wks 1 - 10: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
wks 1 - 5: Dianabol 30mg/day
wks 12-14: Clomid (as per usual recommendation over 21 days)
Nolvas on hand etc.
My stats:
27 yrs old
180 lbs
5ft 9
training 8 years
suppose i would call myself an advanced strength athlete (give myself a rap
Now i was thinking of kickstarting the cycle with a short acting ester like propionate. Some might say Dbol is there to kickstart it, but should i also use propionate at same time or is it too much test for a 1st cycle to have 500mg enanthate AND propionate on top of that.
A couple of guys have told me to frontload the enanthate, but effectively by using enanthate and propionate together for say the first 3 weeks, arent i frontloading doing that?
Any help appreciated. Im not real sure of the doses i would use in the first 2 or 3 weeks if i use both Test esters together.