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Thread: kickstart test enanthate cycle with prop AND Dbol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    kickstart test enanthate cycle with prop AND Dbol?


    Done some research, asked some questions, and decided my first cycle to be:

    wks 1 - 10: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
    wks 1 - 5: Dianabol 30mg/day
    wks 12-14: Clomid (as per usual recommendation over 21 days)

    Nolvas on hand etc.

    My stats:

    27 yrs old
    180 lbs
    5ft 9
    training 8 years
    suppose i would call myself an advanced strength athlete (give myself a rap

    Now i was thinking of kickstarting the cycle with a short acting ester like propionate. Some might say Dbol is there to kickstart it, but should i also use propionate at same time or is it too much test for a 1st cycle to have 500mg enanthate AND propionate on top of that.

    A couple of guys have told me to frontload the enanthate, but effectively by using enanthate and propionate together for say the first 3 weeks, arent i frontloading doing that?

    Any help appreciated. Im not real sure of the doses i would use in the first 2 or 3 weeks if i use both Test esters together.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No need if using dbol. You will be happy with the results of it. Keep it simple your first time. If you want to add something, add either Deca or Eq. That is up to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Personally I would use the dbol as a kickstart and run the prop at the end of the cycle to recover quicker. I wouldn't really worry about frontloading your first cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    So if i ran prop at the end, what sort of dosages/frequency would i use and in what weeks. Ill see if i can find this info myself before you guys reply but if not, feel free to advise me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I'm with Rickson on this one

    You could use the Prop weeks 11-12 (13 if you want to run it an extra week) @ a dose of either 100mg/EOD or 50mg/ED....IMO i would go with 50mg/ED it keeps the blood levels more constant, but for your first cycle you can respond well to 100mg/EOD....its really up to you. This will just help to recover quicker like Rickson said. There isn't a NEED for it but if you want to......go for it bro


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