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Thread: Need opinion on beginner deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Need opinion on beginner deca cycle

    I have read numerous articles on recommendations for beginners. I am taking the cycle primarily to cut and I am not really looking into stacking the deca with anything else.

    8 weeks
    1 - 1
    2 - 2
    3 - 2
    4 - 3
    5 - 3
    6 - 2
    7 - 2
    8 - 1

    This will be my first time using an AS and I am looking for some feedback. Many people recommend the pyramiding if you are not looking to become a frequent user, but others say its pointless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Lets get some stats from you
    Height, weight, age, training experience, rest, diet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    On average most people will stack deca with test (very good beginner cycle....IMO). The dosage will most likely depend on your stats. However, on average most people (me included) go with the 400mgs of deca and if stacking test it will go 500mgs.

    Once oyu post the stats it will beeasier to recommend a cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sorry, I should have included that,

    Height - 6'1
    Weight - 185-190
    Age - 19 almost 20
    Training - 3 years consistant
    Rest - Day on, day off working 3 groups - chest, bis/tris/back, shoulders/tris (light)/legs
    Diet - high protein, medium carb, low fat; the total calories are relatively low right now since I am still trying to cut the gut and fat from chest area, estimate 1500-2000.

    for the cycle, I plan to change the diet to high carb, high protein, low fat, and increase calories to about 2500-3000

    also, is it a good idea to run while your cycling on deca? especially when I have to take ritalin for adhd treatment?


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Butch was right on with the doses.
    You really should stack it with test to avoid Deca Dick at the least.
    Make sure to have clomid for post cycle
    Bromocriptine for gyno sides
    Arimidex if your concerned about bloat

    At your height and weight, you should be getting about 3500 on cycle in my opinion. Even for cutting up, I would think you need to be up around 2200

    Cardio on cycle is up to you and your goals. As far as the ritalin goes, I couldn't speculate on that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Ok, I have read alot about the deca dick and I have a few questions. First of all, if I pyramid with low doses like I described, will it still be very likely to experience deca dick? And how much test would I need to stack at the very minimum just to combat the negative effects of deca?

    About Clomid, isn't that used for inducing ovulation? I did a few searches and this board is the first time I heard about using it for the post-cycle. Why is that important anyway? How does Clomid make sure you keep the gains, and how should you know how much to take?

    And were you saying to take Bromocriptine to combat deca dick? Since its RX how hard would it be to find this?

    My idea was since this is my first time to do a lower dosage and keep the side-effects lower.

    When you said to go 400/mgs of deca, do you mean every week 400 mgs, so no pyramid?
    Last edited by rampage76; 08-13-2002 at 12:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    You could probably do 200mg of the test to subside the Deca Dick
    Clomid helps get your natural test production back up to speed, it's crucial, so don't skip it.
    Bromocriptine can help with the Deca Dick, but it's more important use is for gyno. Deca gyno is from progesterone, not estrogen. Bromo lowers your prolactin levels which combats the progesterone induced gyno. Lowered prolactin levels icrease libido as well, so the use of bromo can help with the Deca Dick.

    Clomid and Bromo are both RX. Now if you can get the gear, you can probably get the clomid, it's widely used. Bromo tends to be a little harder to find.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Heres a good layout:
    Wks 1-11 200-400mg Test(If you do the test, 400 is the usual)
    Wks 1-10 400mg Deca
    Wks 13-16 clomid 300mg-1st day, 100mg-10days, 50mg-10days

    Test is advised to run a week longer due to shorter half life but not crucial.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    What about if I didn't want to extend the cycle that long, any suggestions if I wanted to keep the entire cycle within 6-8 weeks? It sucks being a fulltime student, so I have to work this in carefully to my schedule.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    The problem with that is Deca is going to take a few weeks to kick in.
    You could probably get away with 8 weeks for some decent gains but 6 would be worthless.
    Take the layout above and set it back to 8 weeks making sure clomid is administered 3wks after last Deca shot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ok, cool. So if I can't find clomid from the gear shop, any suggestions? It seems to be pretty crucial to keeping gains now. I can definitely do 8 weeks though. So how important would it be for me to use test when doing deca... I mean, from your experience, is it likely that the results will be bad if I just stick with deca?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'm confused. Why would you want to use deca for your first cycle if you are cutting? If you want to only choose 1 AAS to do and not stack it why not go with just test? Personally I'm not a big fan of deca either, takes a while to kick in, takes a while to start clomid, and it can be detectable for up to 18 months!

    Personally if I were in your shoes and you just wanted to cut I would take low dosages of test or maybe even just a light AAS like primo or anavar and cut big time. Maybe look into clen. The AAS will help preserve strength and muscle. I've read good things about fina for cutting too. Imo you need to do a lot more research, seems like you are all over the place, but that's jmo. Set some goals (like gaining 10lbs of muscle, or cutting down to 10%) and then plan your cycle accourdingly, don't just go with deca because you can get it.

  13. #13
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    I havn't done Deca, to many sides, all info is research on my part. Some guys get Deca Dick, some don't. It's usually the norm that test is stacked for optimal results.
    Your source should be able to get clomid, if he can't, search around for it, whatever you do, don't start unless you have it.
    If your prone to gyno, your going to want some bromocriptine as well. Don't want titties to acompany your hard earned gains.

  14. #14
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    Aug 2002

    I actually had decided on deca about a year ago and couldn't find anywhere to get it. The reason I wanted to use deca and not test was because every research article I had read talked about how deca was the safest and had the best results for the most people. It seemed like a great idea until I surfed onto this board, and everyone seems to be against using deca. test, winstrol, and almost everything else is easier to find for me than deca, so that is not my reasoning at all.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by McBain
    don't just go with deca because you can get it.

    That line is one to remember

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Pheedno
    If your prone to gyno, your going to want some bromocriptine as well. Don't want titties to acompany your hard earned gains.
    lol, definitely not. I have actually had a very hard time trying to cut the fat off my chest in the nipple area. I'm gonna try yohimburn to see if that will help. If I decide to use the Bromo, when in the cycle or after the cycle and how much is recommended?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    I would have it on hand untill you see signs
    On the Bromo. It comes in 2.5mg tabs. Your going to want to taper up starting w/ 1.25mg and working your way up to minimize side effects.

    You should not need more than a pill a day, but up to 2 can be done for a theraputic effect. MAKE SURE TO WORK YOUR WAY UP THOUGH!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    So your supposed to take Bromo every day while your on the cycle?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by rampage76
    So your supposed to take Bromo every day while your on the cycle?
    have it on hand incase signs emerge

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I really disagree that deca is one of the safest AAS. I would do more looking. In terms of safety anavar, and primo are MUCH safer. With deca it shuts down your natural test production hard and fast, you have the risk of progesterone side effects (but if you can get your hands on bromo I guess that's not too big of a problem), it can be detected for up to 18 months, plus the deca dick. Also you can't use finastride with deca as it will result in hair loss, and finastride is a MUST imo with any test cycle to protect prostate more than anything else, but it also protects against hair loss. If you want to go safe maybe get some anavar. It's not cheap, but gains are very retainable and lean. You have the strength benefits and the vascularity too so that's nice. Although it's a bit expensive if you run it at say 30mg ed you don't really need any ancilleries as it does not aromatize, except clomid for post cycle so you save $ there. If you are dead set on juicing now I'd go with anavar, least risk of side effects. Gains won't be huge but it will give you a taste of juice. If you eat right and train right you should be able to put on 10lbs maybe more since you seem to be pretty small to begin with.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    I've done two cycles of deca....and have never had problem. The stuff has worked great for me. I have always stacked it with Test. My first cyc was 400mgs of deca and 500mgs of test. I got huge. Then my second cycle I did 600mgs of deca and 700mgs of test.

    Never ever did I get deca dick. If you do more test than deca you won't have aproblem. The only problem you will ahve is keeping your dick in your pants. I think it is a safe AS. Besides, there's a alomost always a chance of getting the ill fated side effects with steriods. Some are greater than others. But you are playing the gear game. It's almost like playing russian reulette (sp?).

    Bro I thin if you do 400mgs of deca and 500mgs of test you will be very satisfied. And the bulk that you gain can easily be cut post cycle with cardio and a good diet. And like the guys have said above....clomid is a must.

    Good luck bro!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Its great that someone who has tried it is on this thread now. Ok, what do you think about this,

    Week 1 - 200 mg test 200 mg deca
    Week 2 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 3 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 4 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 5 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 6 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 7 - 200 mg test 400 mg deca
    Week 8 - 200 mg test 200 mg deca
    Week 10 - 12 clomid

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    200mg of test is sort of pointless imo. I'd say you need at least 300mg weekly.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    I was going to use test just to balance out some of the negative side effects the deca might produce. You still think 300mg /wk is necessary?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Rampage....hit 400mgs of deca and 500mgs of test straight from week 1 to week 11. I guarantee you will like what it does for you....but please don't start this cycle with out clomid.

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