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  1. #1
    kizer_soce's Avatar
    kizer_soce is offline Retired Moderator
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    Finaplix.....the bottom line

    Okay I am gonna post this here being everyone seems to be asking very similar questions on fina.

    Delivery systems:

    1- Yes you can take the pellets sublingually (under the tongue). This has only one advantage and that is it's ease of administration. The downfall is that it is not effective at all. There is only approximately a 20% absorption rate with this method wasting you money and a good amount of fina. Also I hear it is supposed to taste VERY bad due to the acetate ester.

    2- You can make a DMSO cocktail with your fina. To do this you will need atleast 2cc's of DMSO per 5 pellets. This will give you about a 50mg/ml concentration which is the highest you should with on the DMSO route, any higher will result in undisolved pellets and more wasted tren . DMSO is Way better than sublingual but it too has it's pitfalls. It only has an 80% absorption rate so you would still be wasting some dough. The other downfalls to this is the mess it creates when applying the doses. Also the dmso/fina combo smells much like your dogs ass and the smell comes out when you sweat no matter how much you shower. The only advantage the dmso route has is to cater to the needle phobic who shouldn't really be using steroids in the first place.

    3- You can make your fina into an injectable, giving you 100% absorption. You can make your own concentrations from 30mg/ml or less all the way up to 150mg/ml or even more. The only problem with higher doses is the high concentration of benzyl alcohol in the solution which will result in extremely painful injects. Anyone who has used T400 can attest to the pain of a high ba content.


    Both finaplix implant pellets and the kits to convert them into an injectable can be bought legally. The pellets are commonly sold in vet supply stores and are about $40 per cart. The kits are sold by underground suppliers or can actually be put together by yourself if you are so chemically inclined. Now while both products are completely legal making the pellets into inject is not. They are not intended for human consumption so what you do with them is on you.

    As for the effects of the drug on the body I will not go into details b/c there are numerous profiles on many different sites explaining this. I will go into some details that most neglect though.

    The issue of toxicity is one that many people bring up in finaplix discussions. This is not really an issue, people are comparing fina to the old, no longer produced parabolan which reportedly was hepatoxic (though I think was overrated). I personally know people who have been on tren acetate at 80mg/d for 10 weeks at a time with no complaints of lower back pain or bloody urine.

    Also the half life of finaplix is VERY different from that of parabolan. Fina's half life is about 24-36 hours and is best taken daily. If you don't believe me start a cycle with either 80mg/eod or 40mg/d and then switch halfway through.

    I hope I cleared alot of this up with this post if not or if you want to pick it apart please do.

  2. #2
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    nice post bro.

  3. #3
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    4,470 cleared it up!!!!!

    Thanks man, keep this one at the top for a while.

  4. #4
    landshark's Avatar
    landshark is offline Associate Member
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    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    Great post...

    If I hear Fina one more time I'm gonna scream.
    This stuff seems to good to be true, and it's definitely going into my next cycle; and f*** DMSO or the kit, I want the implant gun!

  5. #5
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Good post dude.

    It's true there seems to be more people getting interested in fina with all the mailing problems.

    Thanks for the info.

  6. #6
    sp33dg33k's Avatar
    sp33dg33k is offline Member
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    Originally posted by landshark
    and f*** DMSO or the kit, I want the implant gun!
    lol your gonna have one mighty sore ear bro!

  7. #7
    Shrunken Sak is offline Junior Member
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    you neglected to mention the Androsol Spray

  8. #8
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    nice post bro
    you can also snort fina to same problems with under the tounge though

  9. #9
    jammergsxr's Avatar
    jammergsxr is offline Member
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    BUMP,Landshark if you use the gun,please oh please mail me the pics!yes I'm a sick man,I bet its been done.

  10. #10
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    where can you get the kits?

  11. #11
    block is offline Associate Member
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