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Thread: ETHAN/CYP/SUS I cant decide on cycle

  1. #1

    ETHAN/CYP/SUS I cant decide on cycle

    I have total 50 ** winny tabs(50mg) 3000mg of EQ and 1000mg of dbol tabs and still cant decide on the test to take with these. I was thinking

    weeks 1-4 30mg ed dbol
    weeks 3-10 300 mg of EQ (EW)
    Weeks 1-8 test-----???
    weeks 8-12 winny at 50mg ED

    Anyways i like weekly injects does this seem to be a good way to go, i want to have the eq and whinny running by themselves for a couple.
    Your feedback is needed.

    Also i have all the nolv/clomid a man could ever need

  2. #2
    G-S Guest
    Cyp and Enanthate are essentially the exact same thing. You'll NEVER notice the difference between the 2. Sust is a mix of 4 esters. Personally, I'd go with Cyp/Enan over Sust anyday.

  3. #3
    250 weekly ok?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In A Gym Near You
    bump it to at least 500/week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    right on....500/wk

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