Has anyone ever tried Sorona Domsetic Hologram HGH kits or the Sorona export kits?
Is it Legit?
Has anyone ever tried Sorona Domsetic Hologram HGH kits or the Sorona export kits?
Is it Legit?
I posted a similar question recently. I am more interested in the export kits as I can get them $200-$300 cheaper than the hologram kits. I have heard from just about everyone that the hologram kits are kick-ass. But I get mixed answers, or no answers at all, about the exports. If the exports are even almost as good, I would opt for them because of the price. Heck, if they aren't as good, you could make up for it by doing 2 or 3iu's more per day and it would still cost less than a hologram kit!!!![]()
Thanks for your input, Gonna be HUGE!
any vets or mods have any info on these?
They are specifically:
*Serona Export kits(GOOD ONES!! 126iu's per kit and actually tested at 18.3iu's per vial) $400/each
*Serona Domestic hologram kits $540/each
Those are the same exports I'm talking about..![]()
Well lets hope that we can get some help on this?
Any One?
spend the money and get the hologram kits. You know what you are getting. It is always best to acquire the 'real' product, so that you know what you are putting into your body. Additionally with the hologram juice you will also know the proper dosage to use and not have to guess that you may need to inject 2 or 3 more IU's per day in order to get the same benefits. I only have one body and I know I better make damn sure what I am putting into it. Spend the $$$ or don't do it.
I have heard that those are ok both ex and imp
justr make sure that you are getting the imp in good condition - if it hasnt been refriged well then it could lose a lot of potency, so I hear.
this keeps coming up a lot . I've posted my view on this , I think the holo are better . I've got friends that have done both and they say the differnce is like night and day . The only thing is for you to try it yourself. I also had a export and now I have the holo and i can say this wow
Thanks a lot bros for the input!
This helps me out a lot!
I think Im going to spend the extra $100 for the hologram kits!
Cycleon, did you get my Private Message about GHB?
I recenlty finished an export kit ($400) and never got a single side efffect. I started a holo 6 days ago (at 4IU's e.d) and got sides the very next day. My hands bloated up and I feel weird pains in my hands. I know it is real and I'll strongly suggest to "STAY THE F*@K AWAY FROM WORTHLESS EXPORTS". The people that back them either haven't used a real kit, are dealing the exports, or simply think they're having side efx. To finish off the export I even took 2 vial (36IU's) in a 4 day period and still felt nothing.
Was it the same export kit as listed above for $400?
Yeah the same. Here's the lot # S108-A1A. $400= GARBAGE
THANKSOriginally posted by proud13
Yeah the same. Here's the lot # S108-A1A. $400= GARBAGE
I was looking at those kits! You just saved me a bunch of $!
Im going with the hologram kits!
Id rather spend $500 on Quality
Than $400 For garbage
How long can the hologram kits be kept unrefrigerated with out going bad?
it says to store at room temp , I dont think theres a set time if its not mixed. Ill look on my kit though, my kits exp date is 05/2004 . So i guess that when it should not be used. When you mix it thought you need to mix it with bacteriostatic water it will last longer in that . Means no bacteria , I think they say its good for 2 wks in bacteriowater
They can be kept at room temp up until they expire. Once activated though you must refrigerate them and be sure to use BaW (bacteriostatic water) and not the sterile dilutent that comes with them. The BaW will allow the activated HGH to stay good for 2 wks, whereas the sterile dilutent will make it good for only 24 hrs. Stick with the hologram kits and you will be happy both financially and with results.
OK Im glad they can stay at room temp. but how much can you mix at a time? can you mix 2ui for every use? I am in a situation that I cant keep anything refrigerated!(I realize Ill be mixing twice a day!)
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