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Thread: what the feeling should be like...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    what the feeling should be like...

    im into 3rd week of my first cycle, test_e@400 and deca@400, and I'm asking about feeling as i'm a little bit worried whether everything is going all right...

    the first week was a nightmare... i've been feeling ill, no energy, sleepy all the time

    week 2 and 3 is better tho i'm still very sleepy during day.. it gets better in the evenings

    i'm sure my gear is working... i managed to put on 20lbs over 3 weeks which is scary, i'm sure half of it is a water weight as i funny bloated on the face, but even that i'm very impressed... and my strength - WOW!

    oh.. also i'm having the paranoia onsets from time to time but so far i'm able to control them pretty well.

    what do you guys think, is it normal?? shall i carry on?? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have not heard of anyone feeling parania, are you prone to this prior to the cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    hey bro, u are probably worried that the gear is going to affect u badly and so u are feeling a little paranoid about it, this can cause anxiety so try and relax.the first wk was probably "test flu" and is pretty common.u can take .5mg of a-dex ed and it will get rid of the bloat. relax bro i think u r all right but only u can say whether to continue ur cycle or not, GL!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thanks guys... well anxiety/paranoia onsets are not too bad, i can control them easily... only the tiredness is killing me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Being tired is common. If you are working your a-- off in the gym, you will feel a bit tired. When on cycle, I always adjust my sleep to how I feel and typically get 7-8 hours minimum. I also will take a quick nap on my lunch hour - even if only 15 minutes. It really helps. The bloating IS water retention. Taking an AI is the way to go. The paranoia is something else though. That is NOT normal. For me and most guys, being on cycle makes you feel confident and gives you a sense of well-being. The paranoia is probably not caused by the steroids but some other variable. Are you typically prone to nervousness or slight paranoia anyway? Are you taking recreational drugs? Drinking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSentinal
    The paranoia is something else though. That is NOT normal. For me and most guys, being on cycle makes you feel confident and gives you a sense of well-being. The paranoia is probably not caused by the steroids but some other variable. Are you typically prone to nervousness or slight paranoia anyway? Are you taking recreational drugs? Drinking?
    well, i'm not sure whether it's paranoia or anxiety... the thing is that at the moment i prefer to stay in my comfort zone, ie job, home, gym, rather than being social as i usually am...

    it happened once or twice over those 3 weeks where i came up with some unrealistic problems.. the feeling was very strong and i had to find a solution/way out of the imaginary situations to calm down...

    there's absolutely no changes in my behavior.. only the insight feeling is, well - not perfect...

    drugy/drunk period of my life is well behind me, i used to abuse both but it was long time ago... i do drink sometimes, last time i had a drink probably 2 months ago, drugs - new year eve...

  7. #7
    3rd week and you have that much effect!
    It must be the Deca...test enanthate usually takes longer to 'kick in'. I am finishing my second week of test-e and don't feel hardly anthing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    paranoia is an absolute myth

    i don't know where u heard that aas causes it, that is crap. stop pretending it's there, it's just in your head.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sci muscle
    3rd week and you have that much effect!
    It must be the Deca...test enanthate usually takes longer to 'kick in'. I am finishing my second week of test-e and don't feel hardly anthing.
    i know man - it's crazy, i'm morphing... loads of problems because of that, co-workers think that i'm going fat, you cant hide the fact you're taking steroids at the gym... today morning 15 minutes before important meeting i realized that my suit is too small...

    few days ago i cut down on calories intake to stop all the growing thing a little bit...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista Massive
    paranoia is an absolute myth

    i don't know where u heard that aas causes it, that is crap. stop pretending it's there, it's just in your head.
    i didn't hear about it anywhere... i just matched term to my feelings.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Your mom
    Limit your sodium intake, this will help with the bloat. The feeling sick is the test flu. Drink lots of water and try doing cardio everyday, nothing intense, try to keep your heart rate at like 140 beats/min, for 20 mins. like a good power walk. For your feelings, just man up everything will be fine. Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    cut the sodium. increase the water and potassium.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    on another side note as for the sleepy, no energy, feeling like s**t, some people feel like this on higher dose of test.i just did my first cycle and i felt the way u r describing the WHOLE TIME.i too had some good gains and i did finish my cycle(500mg test cyp a wk) but i dont think im gonna run test above an hrt dose in the next cycle is going to be

    test cyp 200mg wk
    deca 600mg wk
    the point of this is to see if i can get away from feeling the way u r talking about, minus the paranoia, cause i didnt feel that way.anyway GL and hopefully u'll start feeling a little better, peace bro!

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