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Thread: ok..ready to order..just wanna a poll on how..

  1. #1

    ok..ready to order..just wanna a poll on how..

    i have read several threads on how to order..the benefits of international vs domestic...using real names vs fake...and really find it hard to outweigh one over the other. it's just i've come along way worked hard to get where i am but my luck would find a way to screw up...basically just want to do what is the least amount of risk...don't care about losing the money..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    If you dont care about losing the money than why do you care about finding the least risk?

    Send it to me, lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Don't care about losing your money? Just mail in cash then,j/k. My advie would be to go domestic-if you are domestic. Say your name is John Smith, use Jon Smithson or something like that, I have always done that for the past few yrs and never had a prob. gotta be a little creative about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    I like aka names: Howe Feltersnatch, Barry Ballbanger, Ima Fartsmeller.....

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    If you dont care about losing the money than why do you care about finding the least risk?

    Send it to me, lol.
    mmmmm...maybe something to with being arrested maybe?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
    Don't care about losing your money? Just mail in cash then,j/k. My advie would be to go domestic-if you are domestic. Say your name is John Smith, use Jon Smithson or something like that, I have always done that for the past few yrs and never had a prob. gotta be a little creative about it.
    so you say just go domestic..just use your regular addy with a false name..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1
    so you say just go domestic..just use your regular addy with a false name..

    I would not use a false name. Mail men (and women) remeber names and address...if john smith is delieverd to your house every day and then these suspect packages out of the norm start could possibly draw negative attention, and then possibly add fraud to the list of other charges.

    If you plan on getting a lot of packs, pay $25 and get a registered business name. Might be a little extensive but..less chance of drawing attention.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Another thing i do is, I live in a two bed apt. I use another name as my "fake roomate". needless to say he def. orders back and forth. another idea

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    For your own safety bro and the safety of all other members of this board, its not recommended you discuss such issues and topics on the open boards.

    You never know who is surfing/reading the forums, could be anyone bro. And you discussing such topics increases your chances of being targeted and you draw alot more attention to yourself than you should.

    Saying you plan on using false names or addys should not be discussed in the open forums, as the info can get into the hands of anyone. The info should be kept private and low key to only you.

    If you feel the need to discuss such issues, contact a MOD/VET and ask for assistance.

    Also i urge all you that have posted to edit out what you have said, for your own safety and security purposes. (dont let the secrets out)


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    These aren't secrets, there are probably hundreds of threads on this topic.

    There are a lot more incriminating statements made on this site...but it doesnt matter because this sitre is for entertainment purposes only.

    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    For your own safety bro and the safety of all other members of this board, its not recommended you discuss such issues and topics on the open boards.

    You never know who is surfing/reading the forums, could be anyone bro. And you discussing such topics increases your chances of being targeted and you draw alot more attention to yourself than you should.

    Saying you plan on using false names or addys should not be discussed in the open forums, as the info can get into the hands of anyone. The info should be kept private and low key to only you.

    If you feel the need to discuss such issues, contact a MOD/VET and ask for assistance.

    Also i urge all you that have posted to edit out what you have said, for your own safety and security purposes. (dont let the secrets out)


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by maxex
    These aren't secrets, there are probably hundreds of threads on this topic.

    There are a lot more incriminating statements made on this site...but it doesnt matter because this sitre is for entertainment purposes only.
    I agree.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    Howe Feltersnatch

  13. #13

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