Ok, I'm getting ready to start my first cycle I'm currently 21 and have been consistently lifting hard since I was 18. I've actually been lifting since I was 16.. I'm 6-2, 195-200 lbs with a very low bodyfat. I've been researching this cycle for a little over a year. Here's what my cycle looks like:
Weeks 1-4 Russian d-bol 30mg ed
Weeks 1-8 500mg every week of ICN Galinka Test enath.
Weeks 1-13 .5 arimidex ed, 2000mg of ALA ed, 320 mg of Saw Palmetto extract ed, 1/4 tab of proscar ed, spiro cream ed, vitamin B5 10grams ed..
clomid therapy goes like this:
300mg 1st day
100mg 10 days
50mg 10 days
50mg eod 10 days
Here's my questions:
1) I should start clomid therapy 3 weeks after last test enath. injection. Right? So I should start it on week 11..
2) Should I run arimidex at .25 or .5 ed? I have nolvadex on hand also.
3) What else should I use post cycle, other than HCG, to help keep gains? I was thinking creatine at 10 grams ed, and glutamine at 30 grams ed along with the clomid, arimidex, and ala.
4) Another option I was looking at, was running 40mg of papervar, starting on week 6 and going until I start clomid at week 11. So, that would be 5 weeks of 40mg var. Should I bump it up to 60mg? Would it be worth it? I'd liek to keep as much gains as possible.
As you can tell, I plan for the worst. I have my nizoral 2%, proscar, spiro cream, minoxidil & azelaic acid, saw palmetto berry extract & nixoin shampoo for hairloss. I also have my vitamin b5, ordering the Proactiv acne complex, Oxy-10, Neutrogena body wash,a nd azelaic acid for acne. I also have a shitload of protein containers stored away and have already begun storing my fish, steak, ect. from the Schwann's man.
I hope to keep 20 pounds of muscle after this cycle, as my ideal bodyweight is 220-225. Possible?
Any suggestins would be helpful. thanks.