As I posted on Sunday, I just started my cycle of Sustanon on Sunday. I read all of you guys questions and anwsers and they are very informing. My question is how long does it take before i will really feel the kick in the gym and so forth from the gear. i have read that most people dont feel the sus really kick them in the ass until the fourth or fifth week. Again my stats are 6'2" 210lbs and have been working out for a year and a half seriously. I feel my eating and rest periods are very disciplined. I'm just wondering how long it will take before i really feel it kick me in the ass. I know i've got good stuff because its a reliable source and i have the all loved tiredness and mild flu symptoms of sust. (hurray for that shit. lol). As always thanks in advance for all the help. Of the one year that i have reasearched gear my only regret is that I didnt find AR sooner than i did. thanks again