Been using gear for about 4 years on and off....
bf 18%
training for 5 years....
Ive done alot of deca through the years and had good results however now more than before i am getting deca dick more severe...i never used to through in test with basicall stick with deca + winny or deca + eq.......i know everyone says always take test with deca and i did for the first time last year and i took test decanoate with deca but my head looked like a pumpkin and i was all swollen...i hated iv started deca with test prop however iv gotten flu like symptoms and painful injections that hurt so bad i cant even work curious if maybe i should try test cyp or test e but keep it at a low dosage like maybe a half cc a week just to keep my sex drive up...i dont want to get bloated again...any advice what to take with the deca would be appreciated.......also will be taking anavar or winny not sure about those either..please help!!!