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Thread: How much test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    How much test?

    I have read that 200mg/wk is 99.2% effective as a birth control method? Can anyone verify that for me? DOCTORS ANYONE????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I'm no expert, only know what I've read but from that it is not effective as birth control. Out of millions of sperm you just impair the production a little bit, not enough to risk 18 years of hell with someone you don't want to have a crumbsnatcher with. Like I said, it's all heresay from me about this.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by DiMensionX
    I'm no expert, only know what I've read but from that it is not effective as birth control. Out of millions of sperm you just impair the production a little bit, not enough to risk 18 years of hell with someone you don't want to have a crumbsnatcher with. Like I said, it's all heresay from me about this.


    I appreciate your honesty, but its my wife, so pretty much stuck with her!! She wont asked the DR. because he knows us both!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Man, I just wouldn't want to be a ginny pig on that one unless you wanted a kid:-). I'm intrested in knowing some medical facts about this as well just to know. We all here rumors everyday about "It works" or "It doesn't work", I'd like to see some medical lit too.

    God knows I just had a divorce, no kids thank god, and now that I'm dating again it's a raincoat for me, I can't afford that mistake right now!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles


    200mg test/week for whom?

    You or your wife?

    Check out the price of a college education man--- about the cost of two shiny new 911s.

    IMO, no need to invent a new method of birth control-- stick with what works.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Houston, TX
    Test Is NOT a method of birthcontrol. I was on 600 mg a week of T-2 and my wife got pregnant. Best bet is to get her on the shot/pill, or wrap it up. Even those aren't full proof.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: ?

    Originally posted by ladave99
    200mg test/week for whom?

    You or your wife?

    Check out the price of a college education man--- about the cost of two shiny new 911s.

    IMO, no need to invent a new method of birth control-- stick with what works.
    I'm not quite sure how to take this reply. I hope you dont mean it the way it sounds!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I think he meant that you can buy 2 porches for the price of collage.So it's cheaper to be safe than sorry.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ignore him Be_Strong.

    Ladave, any reason your jumping on someone with a legit question, and being a smart ass as well to someone who has been around a long time compared to you?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    bodybuilding magazine Muscle Media 2000, June July 1993 on page 45. Judging whether this is positive or nega-tive is left to the reader. 'A few years ago, the Lancet Medical Journal of England reported that they found testosterone (the proto-type anabolic steroid) to be a remarkably effective form of male birth control. Researchers conducted a 12 month study which included 270 men and determined that weekly injections of the hormone testosterone were 'safe, stable, and effective.' They dis-covered that weekly testosterone injections had a success rate of 99.2% as a birth control method. That makes it more effective than the birth control pill (97%) and much more effective than condoms (88%). The study also revealed that the effects of the contraceptive injections were entirely reversible upon discontinu-ing administration of the drug and that the testosterone injec-tions produced minimal side effects."


    This is the info I was referring to. Maybe it will shed some light on this question.

    BTW, I graduated college in 3.5ys. Thats less than 1-911!!!! Because I use to have one!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles

    Arrow clarification and apology

    Not what I meant at all, and I certainly did not mean to offend anyone.

    I apologize. Let me explain.

    My answer was based on this:
    1) Birth control pills for women work by providing doses of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that inhibit the secretion of other hormones (LH) and prevent the release of an egg. No egg=no pregnancy. I do know of women who take t200 for bulking- and I thought you were asking if the testosterone would function like the birth control pill. As far as I know it would not, but I am not totally sure.

    The comment about the Porsches also came out wrong. I was only saying that there are very good methods of birth control, and it seems pointless to experiment with others. I figure that four years at a private university (in eighteen years)would cost about $180,000. And that could buy two Porsche 911s.

    Sorry about the mix-up and the my atttitude before.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    No problem! I didnt think that sounded like one of your regular replys. Maybe I took it the wrong way(must be d-bol 50mg/ed LOL.) and if so, I APOLIGIZE! You have PM'ed me a couple of times and I have been more than happy to help . Everyone helping out, thats the way I like it!! Read my last post to this thread and you will see where I get my information!!
    I dont usually asked stupid questions!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles

    Smile cool

    Thanks for accepting my apology.

    I know you don't ask stupid questions, and I doubt I am even in the position to decide what is a stupid question.

    The tone of my reply was totally wrong, and I also messed up the content.

    My only concern about your question was that people might reply to you with information that was incorrect and might result in a big change in your life, ie. a cute little thing that smiles and calls you "Daddy."

    If I were you, I would bring the article to your doctor, and see what he or she says.

    If you look at the history of my posts, you will see that I have expressed similar thoughts to others who, IMO needed good medical advice.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sorry Dave for my being abrubt as well. Thanks for clarifying!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: cool


    All is wonderful in the land of OZ!!! Let me know if I can help you bro!

    Originally posted by ladave99
    Thanks for accepting my apology.

    I know you don't ask stupid questions, and I doubt I am even in the position to decide what is a stupid question.

    The tone of my reply was totally wrong, and I also messed up the content.

    My only concern about your question was that people might reply to you with information that was incorrect and might result in a big change in your life, ie. a cute little thing that smiles and calls you "Daddy."

    If I were you, I would bring the article to your doctor, and see what he or she says.

    If you look at the history of my posts, you will see that I have expressed similar thoughts to others who, IMO needed good medical advice.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I'll ask my kids little organon and Nile jr. I wouldn't trust it too many people on that I know that have gotten people pregnant.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: How much test?

    Originally posted by BE_STRONG
    I have read that 200mg/wk is 99.2% effective as a birth control method? Can anyone verify that for me? DOCTORS ANYONE????

    The dose of 200 mg/wk is prescribed to men who have low testosterone levels, in order to bring them back up to or sligtly above "normal" testosterone levels. 200 mg/wk of testosterone, IS NOT a birth control method.

    Take note of where you read this MISINFORMATION about testosterone being a birthcontrol method, and be incredulous of any other information that comes from whomever wrote what you read.

    If you are intereted in birth control, stick with the methods that have been proven--one of the best being a method over wich you, as (I presume you are) a male, have full control: USING A CONDOM.

    Don't rely on rumors and odd sources of information when it comes to pregnancy, which, if not planned out and/or if badly timed, can ruin several lives--yours, your sex partner's and the newborn child's.

    I hope your better judgement wins out.

    Best to you.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I do four cycles a year and on one where I was on 500 test cyp and 400 deca my wife became pregnant.Big -healthy kid.

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