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Thread: Fina Ed Or Eod??? Help Plz!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Fina Ed Or Eod??? Help Plz!!

    sorry to bother with another question, i am adding fina towards the end of my cycle, i can only afford 20/ml @ 75mg ... i was wondering if i should run fina ED for 20 days (3 weeks) or is it better to run it 75mg EOD for 42 days (6 weeks) .. which would yield better results, i would get more but my $$$ is limited! thanks!

  2. #2
    tren has a shorter half life then prop or winny so its best taken everyday
    what does your complete cycle look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    my cycle goes like this :
    weeks 1-10 500mg of Sust 250 (shot twice a week)
    weeks 5-10 200mg of Primo
    still working out Fina towards the end of it... bought 20ml , cant afford anymore... (damn car payments!!) .... so i was wondering if i should take the fina from weeks 6 - 12 EOD (42 days) .. or take it weeks 7-10 ED (21 days) plz help a brotha out, i wanna get the most outta Fina!! thanks again!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

  5. #5
    heres what i would do ,i would run it everyday,you will probably see better results running it at a half cc(32.5mg) everyday then 1 cc eod.
    also id up the primo to at least 400 mg wk.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    thanks 4plates, your help is much appreciated, i would love to up the dosage on primo, but again the $$$ factor is a big issue, but i will definately run 1/2cc of fina ED and in the last week, week 10 i will shoot 1cc FINA ED and run clomid 3 weeks after that ... thanks alot!!
    Last edited by chamkila; 08-14-2002 at 03:39 PM.

  7. #7
    bro run the tren 1/2 cced wk 6-12
    this way you can get on clomid in 3 days,not 3 wks!

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