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  1. #1
    novice1 is offline Junior Member
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    for those who did dbol only before


    dbol only 30mg a day no taper for 8 weeks. also have nolvadex and hcg .
    i'm not going to stack. this IS my cycle
    opinions? too long? need arimidex ? taper?
    Last edited by novice1; 08-14-2002 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    SLUMPBUSTR's Avatar
    SLUMPBUSTR is offline Associate Member
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    dbol is gonna give you results but its mostly water weight, why dont you throw in some test with it.

  3. #3
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
    5minsforfighting is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle I ever did was dbol /test ... trust me dbol only you wont be happy with the results ...

  4. #4
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    ive seen guys do dbol only cycles and they got big, fast,the only problem is the pissed it all out in 2 wks

    and dont do dbol for 8 wks,5-6 at most(use tylers liver dtx or milk thistle while on it)

    and get clomid

  5. #5
    novice1 is offline Junior Member
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    ok that's 3 post from people who obviously haven't done dbol only cycles. lets hear from someone who has.

  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have done a dbol only cycle. It was a poor choice and I lost the majority of my gains. Of course I was young then and thought I knew it all and I didn't have access to such great advice on this and other boards. Aren't you lucky you have people to help you. There are much much better cycles out there.

  7. #7
    still growin is offline Member
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    I have done 4 cycles with d-bol. First was d-bol alone. 10 weeks Tapered from 20mg up to 50mg back to 20 to end. Awesome gains in strength and size! Lost 99% of it after 4 weeks!lol Next, deca week 3-10 and d-bol week 1-5. Worked the shit, even better! Again, lost 70% 4 weeks later. Then, I didn't quit. Did 6 week cycle of d-bol alone, you think I would learn. Got stronger, little bigger, guess what? Yep, gone! Finnaly I met Mr. clomid, and started to stack w/ deca and test. Much better results, and kept a hell of a lot more.(but not all) Moral of the story, DON'T DO IT! Save your money or buy something else to stack. If you just want to be big for a month or two, do it! Otherwise, find a good stack, and DON'T FORGET THE CLOMID EVER!

  8. #8
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    I've done many successfull DBALL only cycles and would do them again tomorrow. Dball only cycles work, and work well. If your losing all your gains on a dball cycle your messing up in other area's. If you've trained your nuts off, rested and eaten right during your cycle the muscle gained from that alone cannot be lost simply by a discontinuence of the drug.
    Having said that however it's good practice to have some testo in there, but don't sweat it if you don't.

    Now someone bash me !.


  9. #9
    still growin is offline Member
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    True, I may have screwed up in diet or post cylce training, But I just dont seem to keep gains off d-bol. After any cycle, I lose a lot, then rebound somewhat. I end up stronger/bigger than before the cycle, but not impressively so. It could have been my natural gains over that time period! I am glad it works for someone though! See what other people think!

  10. #10
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'll be your Huckleberry bouncer. While I agree with you that once muscle is gained it
    won't simply be lost the majority of weight gain from a dbol only cycle comes from water.
    With proper anti-e's you can limit that bloat but the reality is compared to a test or deca
    only cycle the LBM from a dbol only cycle is generally a disappointment to the majority
    of AAS users not to mention the large loss of strength from the water loss at the end. I
    have heard of those who advocate dbol only cycles but I think there are safer and much
    better alternatives out there. My personal experiences with Dbol only have not been
    positive nor that of the people I know who live this lifestyle. Dbol is a great drug but it is
    much more effective as a stack drug then as a base drug. Just my opinion.

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