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Thread: PCT question.

  1. #1
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England

    Question PCT question.

    I've been reading through the "coming off steroids " section and am a little confused. if I'm on a six week course of winny and test enth, that been one shot of winny every day and one shot of test enth every week when should i Start PCT and what should i do for it. Also what effect will only six weeks of test enth have should i continue the test after the 6 weeks of winny?
    I was wondering also is there a donation link for this site. As in to make a donation to the running of the site? With it been free and so useful?

  2. #2
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I would shoot test e 2x per wk ideally...

    PCT could include

    days 1-10 HCG 500iu ED
    wks 1-6 nolva or raloxifene
    wks 1-4 aromasin 12.5mg per day


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room
    how much are you running the test at?

    When you come off you generally have low test levels do to the suppression of your own natural testosterone , as you probably know this already. there are certain drugs one takes for a period time after there cycle hence(post cycle therapy -PCT) to help lower estrogen levels and balance your hormone levels for an easy recovery. anti estrogens like nolvadex and clomid are taken in conjunction to lower test while HCG -Human Corionic Gonadotropin helps the testes grow back and start producing testosterone agian. check duration and dosages on the PCT forum.

    and no. 6 weeks is hardly sufficient for a long acting testosterone like test enanthate . most run it for atleast 12 weeks because it doesnt kick in until 3-5 weeks in so ive seen

    so yeah dude just add another 6 weeks if you can on the test enanthate and if you dont have the supplies, just start your pct as directed by capt. and call your losses.
    Last edited by dirtball_619; 05-12-2007 at 10:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    North East England

    Question Where can i get

    i'm not looking for a source just purchace info. can i buy these products on the net legaly or do i have to get them form my source? I knwo the Nolva is ok.

    PCT could include

    days 1-10 HCG 500iu ED
    wks 1-6 nolva or raloxifene
    wks 1-4 aromasin 12.5mg per day


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