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Thread: Test enat....

  1. #1
    evilways is offline New Member
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    Test enat....

    Ok after reviewing some threds on sust[one that cought my eye was "why you should not take sust"] and reciving some great advice[thancks to all] and due to the price I will go with test enath. on my first cycle. I need help on what to stack this with. On all the threads I have read the two main stacks are with deca and dbol . This will not do. I need a stack that will clear in a few months. Whats the deal with eq. Will this be a good stack? I here that t-200 at 400mg a week will be a great start. I want an 8-week cycle that will put on good size and great strenght. so any ideas will be nice. thanks all


  2. #2
    evilways is offline New Member
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    There is a good chance I will be tested. They tend to do that in the great game of football. Thanks for the help. How dose eq come. In 10ml vials ect.... what is th mg in 1 ml....once again thanks


  3. #3
    evilways is offline New Member
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    35 what is the usual mg you will find in lets say t.j that i will just happen to be visiting soon. I will pick up 2 10mls of test 200 so after an 8-week cycle i will have 4 ml left over what do you do with the extra?

  4. #4
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    IMO, if your concerned about being tested that soon I would seriously consider shorter esters all the way around. I know it's a lot of pin pricks but how about something like this. I'm posting this premature but if your gonna do a cycle regardless you ought to think about all the options, drop some stats if you don't mind so others may jump in.

    Test Prop 50-100mg's ED Weeks 1-8
    Fina 75-100mg's ED Weeks 1-8
    Winny 50-75mg's ED Weeks 1-8
    Clomid 3 days after last shot of Prop

    That IMO, will add some serious strength and nice size and I believe everything listed clears fast, double check though!


  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am with Dimension on this. If I was going to be tested I would probably run a dbol and prop cycle so it could get out of my system quickly.

  6. #6
    evilways is offline New Member
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    I might be wrong but dbol is in your system for 11-13 months. I read up on the stack you posted DMX looks good. I'm new at this and don't want to inject everyday. Im 6' 220 18 1\2 arms 43" chest and from what im told tree trunk legs. I think they need help. Im young so i will understand if you would like to withdraw any info. Im only 18. I know I can grow on my own, but due to some personal circumstances i need to be big and strong B-4 19. Im benching 405 and squat around 550. Im all arond strong. as most of you know its hard to gain when you hit the high weights. So trhis is where th AS come to play. thanks for all of the help.


  7. #7
    DiMensionX's Avatar
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    Well bro, you are at an impass and must make a desicion you will have to live with the rest of your life. You are obviously smart, as is shown by your honesty and the way you speak, that is admirable.

    Now, what you have to decide is are you happy with your hieght? How's your hair doing? Can you for sure be dedicated enough to diet, training, and not drinking to do this properly, and can you hold your temper even when steaming mad? There are other things to be concerned with as I'm sure others will chime in and have some say about.

    In my opinion, the largest reasons for not using AAS when young is so that growth is not stunted and because a lot of people your age don't have your maturity and realistic outlook on things. From what you have posted it seems that you have been working hard to obtain your goals, you have a level head it seems, and IMO 6' is the perfect height. In short it's up to you, just do it right, be safe, and again BE SAFE.

    If your reasons are for Ball, as I'm sure they are, you need to ask yourself if it's worth the side effects and issues that may arise later in life to have a short cut now. For some there are few side effects, most of the time they ironically are the brighter folks who took all the right precations and did things right.

    All I'm saying is, be smart, be safe. And if your going to do it, are going to be tested, and need it out of your system fast then hit the short acting esters, even if that means injecting everyday. It's all give and take man, injecting ED is not a big deal, it just happens to come with the territory with what you are trying to do bro.

    Remember, It's just a little Prick:-)


  8. #8
    evilways is offline New Member
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    How many times have you called someone a little prick. Did you mean it in a good for you concern. I do understand the risk. It might be the young age talking but as of now the pros out weigh the cons. My hair is fine my hight has slowly come to a stop. The x-rays said I would be lucky to put on an inch so im here to stay. To all other kids that are 18-21 if certain conditions where different i would with out a doubt chose not to use AS. The people offering advice have been pm with my situation and give advice with a grain of salt. It is a choice only the person contemplating the decision can make, but should be made with a leavel head and not with a big dick. Thanks to all


  9. #9
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No dbol 's detection time is quoted anywhere between 1-5 weeks. It is one of your quicker out drugs.

  10. #10
    evilways is offline New Member
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    Sorry I must have looked at the wrong info. So the test.enath and dbol will give me great strenght gainns? The threads offer different ideas on the dosage of the dbol. Can anyone offer some info to clear things up thanks.

  11. #11
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Well, if your gonna do Enth then maybe something like this:
    Weeks 1-12 Enth @ ~500mg's a week
    Weeks 1-11 EQ @ ~400mg's a week
    And you can either jump it with Dbol at 40-50mg's ED or I would go with Winny weeks 6-14 at 50-75mg's ED. Clomid the day after the last of the winny.

    Food for thought, Test Enth, Sust, and Cyp take ~4 weeks to actually begin doing much of anything, EQ takes ~5 weeks and really kicks the longer you run it. Even if you chose DBol you still would be neglecting the first 4 weeks of the cycle while things took hold. Sure the Dbol would give you pumps and a lotta water weight, big deal, I think your more intrested in long term solid gains. Thats the reason I streatched your cycle to 12 weeks, the EQ and Enth would still be functioning until week 14 which is why I would run Winny till then.

    The short esters I mentioned would Kick in ASAP and be out ASAP. Winny will make you hard as a rock and strong as a montherF****, so will Fina, and Prop helps everything out, including your sex drive.


  12. #12
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well Eq takes almost 5 months before detection time is clear. Is drug testing an issue or not?

  13. #13
    evilways is offline New Member
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    I was going for a simple cycle but after second thought your test eq and winny seems good. Around how much would this run if One would go "Down-town" just ball if you like.


  14. #14
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Thanks Rickson for correcting me:-). EQ is out man, looking more and more like short esters or just test/dbol or winny.


  15. #15
    evilways is offline New Member
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    The eq is cutting it close so any ideas on a tes winny stack.

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