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Thread: eco oils(india oils)

  1. #1

    eco oils(india oils)

    hi all,

    anyone got some info on how reliable these new sachets are? If the contents actually are aas or just fake. I've tried the Deca-Durabolin but found that it's not quite as potent as they describe it. Supposed to be 250mg/ml!! any info would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    don't get those everybody in here knows they are underdosed go for the 5ml or 20ml sachets, not the 3.5ml

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    here and there
    they worked for me bro
    seemed to be on the up and up
    imo better than some ug stuff floating around now a days

  4. #4
    hi and thanks for the replies. What brand are the larger sachets you are talking about? are they also eco oils or a different brand? I've been 375mg a week now for 5 weeks and i haven't noticed much in gains or strength. But perhaps the half-life is around 5-6 weeks so hopefully it will kick in sometime soon!!

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